Lorelei Glaisyer


Basic Information
Lorelei Glaisyer
Birth Date:
21st Mirrors, 8273 (Pristis the Leviathan)
Half Elf
Cute Things - Apples - Herbal Tea
Being Lonely
Quiet | Practical | Caring | Inflexible | Stubborn | Perfectionist
Quiet and unassuming, Lorelei is a caring individual to friends and strangers alike. A childhood marked by chaotic days and her natural devoted disposition led her to grow mature beyond her years as she strove to be as helpful as she could to her hardworking parents. She treats everyone with a gentle politeness, and shows affection to close friends and family with small, unobtrusive gestures (remembering a favorite food, a warm drink on a cold day, a flower on your sill that you'd mentioned offhand being fond of-)
Despite (or perhaps because of?) her motherly tendencies, she is something of a perfectionist, and will agonize and fuss over seemingly small imperfections. If she feels something is being done improperly, she will refuse to budge until the manner is addressed. She is very stubborn on this regard.
And yet for all her care and tenderness, she has little to spare for herself, and has a small confidence; she'd much prefer to give rather than receive affections and kindnesses. She is easily embarrassed, and will tend to hold back on personal desires for the sake of others. If possible, she will try and do most tasks without relying on others, even if they would be better or more efficiently accomplished with help.
Born to two half elves in the Wood Elf Kingdom of Estraude, Lorelei was raised to have an appreciation of nature and the qualities of herb lore especially. Her parents taught her many things about the healing properties of plants and herbs, and from a young age she assisted them in creating herbal medications and supplements. They led a busy yet happy life in Estraude, though she was perhaps not able to experience her childhood to the fullest in taking care of the shop and her parents.
When she was around 10 years old, she and her parents moved to the isle of Nisalvini to study the unique plant life growing there. While her parents became devoted to their research on Nisalvini, the young half elf spent her days exploring the libraries and landscapes the island was so famous for, eventually cultivating a love for reading as well.
It was during one of these explorations that she came across an older light elf who she would come to see as an elder sister. Finding her sprawled drunk in the streets, she took Michaella Rasthaelthor, also known as Myras, and nursed her through the hangover. In gratitude, or perhaps a moment of whimsy, the older elf decided to stay with her for a time.
Though she'd always thought she would one day become a researcher like her parents, her time with Myras slowly led her to reconsider the idea. While respectful of her parents' vocation and the work that they did, their long hours and frequent absences had made her lonelier than she had realized. Reminiscing to her younger days, she thought perhaps she'd enjoy a job working with people and plants instead. For a time, she worked part-time as a waitress in a small cafe well stocked with books of all kinds. Thanks to her experience with various herbal medicines, she often brewed different kinds of medicinal teas at the behest of her regular patrons.
Current Story
- Poisoned Land
- Forest's Deep
- Harvest Eve
- Murky Paths
- Emerald Masquerade
- Midsummer
- Salvation
- Light of Hope
- Restoration
- Wise Words
- Ambition
- Unraveling
- Dominion
- World's Wrath
Currently, Lorelei is trapped beneath the sea, on the sunken isle of Nisalvini. Though gripped with uncertainty, she is nonetheless filled with a newfound determination to keep her precious home alive.
Additional Info
Good at cooking
Likes cute things
Good with her hands
Estran Magical Shell:
Cantish Mud Pot:
Milly Moncha Golden Ticket:
Rabbit Cookie Cutters: A gift from Javed.