Judah Sawyer


Basic Information
Judah Sawyer
Birth Date:
10th Stars, 8264
5’10” (178cm)
Royal Guard
Miras Royal Guard
+Straight-laced, loyal, driven
-Obstinate [sometimes narrow-minded], cautious, quick to judge
Putting forth his greatest effort in the tasks he is given, Judah values—and expects, particularly from people of rank – the same integrity from others. Consequently, he is irked by lazy and disrespectful individuals, and is especially irritated by those who dismiss or fail to recognize their own potential.
While well-mannered and ever-mindful of what is “right” and proper, Judah’s trust is hard-won. Those he considers close include his family - father, mother, and two sisters - and very few others. Nonetheless, this is more a function of Judah’s introversion and the difficulty he finds in being vulnerable with others, rather than a deliberate act of isolation. Given the right circumstances [and proper encouragement], Judah is more approachable than he initially appears….and with time, may even give way to (very awkward) displays of affection.
Raised on Nisalvini, Judah grew up with something of a sheltered worldview, fostered by the insular culture of the island. Enjoying the comfortable and secure lifestyle afforded by the island, Judah’s early years were spent mostly in academic pursuit and the other whimsies of childhood. While the beautiful fauna and flora and rich intellectual landscape of Nisalvini left little to be wanted, as the years passed, an adolescent Judah gained a growing awareness of - and sense of responsibility to - the world beyond Nisalvini’s pristine shores. Judah’s father, a paladin serving in the Miras Army, would bring back news from the main continent: cities overflowing with peoples of all kinds, brimming with conflict and the ever-looming specter of war – ideas that, in peaceful Nisalvini, were reduced to little more than words on pages and empty talk.
Although he had received rudimentary instruction in swordsmanship as a young boy, Judah began to more seriously consider the prospect of following his father’s footsteps as he approached the age of eligible enlistment. Finding that Judith shared a similar ambition, the two trained side-by-side until both were recruited for knighthood in the city of Amedra.
Upon enlisting in the army, Judah found himself stretched in new ways: challenged not only by the physical rigors of training but also the strange and sometimes disagreeable opinions of those around him, Judah realized that he could grow here in ways that Nisalvini, for all its peace and prosperity, could never offer. Dedicating himself wholly to his training, Judah’s focus and self-discipline earned him the favor of his superiors, and he was eventually offered a position in the Royal Guard. Although hesitant to part ways with his sister – who had opted to join the Legion – Judah ultimately recognized that joining the Royal Guard presented an opportunity to better understand the cause he was serving and what it was he had truly devoted himself to.
Current Story
Judah's position as a guard brings him into contact with individuals from all walks of life - from fellow soldiers, to nobility, to retired criminals. One of his earlier roles has Judah assigned as the "government watchdog" (their words, not his) of the newly established baronesa, Guenievre Favreau and her (ex-pirate) companions. Despite the initial friction of opposing values and prejudices, shared experiences (including the exploration through Forest's Deep) lends itself to tolerance, and eventually, a begrudging understanding.
His more permanent post is found by the side of Marise, the young village-girl-turned-princess who is brought back to the palace amid a flurry of scandal and gossip. Only a brief time spent with her is enough to convince Judah that Marise deserves more than the sordid fate she has been handed, as a child tossed unceremoniously into the ugly political fray fashioned by adults.
Civil war breaks out, dividing Miras. Unwilling to abandon Marise, Judah sides with the east faction - even if it means forsaking the loyalty he had sworn to the Mirian King.
His earlier interactions with Guen and her company proves unexpectedly useful in negotiations with the Agate Alliance, when news that the Empire's prince has been kidnapped by pirates spreads. Employing some (bad acting) subterfuge, the operation is ultimately successful in securing the safety of both nations' young royals.
But peace, as always, is short-lived. Trouble and misfortune seem to actively seek out the princess - this time in the form of a giant fiery bird that snatches her up in a horrifying instant.
---- Sin & Sacrifice - Following the supernatural disappearance of Marise, Judah embarks on a personal search for the princess, accompanied by the young Gared Valerius. Their leads connect them with the Iridus questers - among which are several familiar faces. Unexpectedly, they become involved in the catastrophic battle of the god generals, putting their mission to find Marise on hold for the time being.
Additional Info
Not a very physical person. He gives out hugs about once a year.
Not as grumpy as he appears. he just has resting beech face
He doesn’t typically have a penchant for nature and the like….but his younger sister Evie’s insistence has impressed upon him a small (but growing) appreciation for flowers, along with some scant medicinal knowledge. Thanks sis
Wakes up around 4 am everyday because the early morning gives him peace of mind. The only times that he sleeps in are when he is sick (which isn’t very often)
Gueniévre Favreau
"Complex" is the best word to describe both Guen, and Judah's feelings towards her. An astute leader with sharp wit and a beguiling smile, Guen has built an arsenal of charms that serves her and those she cares about well. He trusts her judgments, yet knows that she does not always divulge the full truth of the matter. Happenstance and political irony have made her a familiar face through the years, but it is only in recent times that Judah has come to regard her more earnestly as a friend. He is not sure if the sentiment is truly reciprocated, though.
Naila Issafeyr
Guen's right-hand woman (or so it seems). A raucous personality, Judah finds her brash candor both exasperating and relieving at times. Despite her dalliance with more questionable behavior, he prefers Naila's openness to the more sinister schemes of those who say one thing and do another.
Marise Lucilius
The Mirian princess. Judah initially felt indignance and sympathy for the girl, who was only ten at the time of her entrance onto the chaotic royal scene. Spending more time with her as an assigned guard and witnessing her pluckiness and indomitable spirit, his sense of responsibility has evolved into a more fierce and personal affection for the young girl. Judah is willing to go to great lengths to ensure Marise's safety, and hopes to see a future where she is free to choose what she desires for herself.
Nice Espadas
A fellow Royal Guard. Nice's social graces make up for much of what Judah lacks, her easy and reassuring smile serving as a foil to his own lackluster expressions. Her presence made his initial transition into the royal guard ranks much less jarring, and he looks to her as a trustworthy ally.
Eoghan Elwynne
A fellow soldier. And yet....- a bit....airheaded, or absent-minded; but not entirely with the negative connotations that usually accompany such terms. In a way, Eoghan reminds Judah of a cloud, untouched and floating above the turmoil that has otherwise consumed the rest of the nation. Nevertheless, Eoghan has proven himself reliable in times of danger, and is a steadfast person in his own right. (i mean he's even got a ladyfriend and kid
Spencer Stroud
A soldier more of the typical brand that Judah has seen, hardened by his experiences and haunted by both visible and invisible scars. While they have only briefly had more meaningful exchanges, Judah intuits that Spencer carries a heavy burden that he is yet unwilling to share. Emotions aside, Judah regards Spencer as a respectable team member on the battlefield. (there also seems to be some history with guen kawink