Eoghan Elwynne


Basic Information
Eoghan Elwynne
(ooc: bushy)
Birth Date:
4th Thawing, 8269
6'2 (188cm)
Half Elf (wood)
Miras Flight Regiment
Iridus' Favour
Strawberries, tea, flowers, bugs, rocks
Good-natured | Friendly | Nurturing | Absentminded | Indecisive | Possessive | Irresponsible
With a pleasant smile, Eoghan often enjoys the mindless duties, the boring tedium, following the tide of others' trails. Easy to relent, happy to help, accommodating to a fault – this lanky lad's head is almost perpetually in the clouds, it's a wonder how he ever donned the uniform.
But for all the consequence that military life bears, it has its virtues. Even Eoghan has learned to act with urgency thanks to service, and although he finds little joy in wielding violence, it comes with the ability to protect. And in the ever-changing scape of the world, his ingrained prejudice and frustration has gradually eased for lived experience. He still possesses of beliefs in perhaps detrimental ways, but he is just not one for negativity; others may call it escapist, he calls it hopeful.
Because hope is what everyone needs in these uncertain times. Hope, optimism, patience... fate may have its way, but faith can carry them through. Even if they are on the wrong side of anything. Surely, the gods are so merciful!
Born to a mixed family with too many mouths to feed, Eoghan hardly vied for attention from deadbeat parents. As they uprooted in hopes of a better life, he wandered unnoticed from their caravan along the Cantish roads... but knowing little of his parents' destination as a child, he was sooner comfortable in the closest village's orphanage. Nobody came looking for him, and that was all right.
Eoghan learned the ropes to help around the farms with the other children, and here he adopted his new, demure little sister Racquelle, meanwhile befriending the fiery daughter of the Baron who oversaw the townsfolk and land. Their days passed in lazy mischief and mock sword fights, heedless of their pasts and prospects – until the cusp of adulthood at last approached. Turning outwards from the ever-exciting tasks of shepherding and tilling, Eoghan thought–for once–on his own future.
In those childhood daydreams was something more than the cushy bubble of a pastoral church life. From pictures of Pegasi Knights and princely uniforms, to the open skies of the country... what else was there to do but follow whimsies?
Donning the surname Elwynne, Eoghan travelled to the near splendour of Miras to enlist in an entirely different life. Though neither quick nor keen, slowly, steadily, he practised the sword and the vestiges of magic still in his blood. At twenty, he entered the Flight Regiment after three years as a milite.
His prior experience with handling animals lent him an ease in the air, far more adept than his bumbling on foot. And so, eager to explore, he jumped at assignments to different cities while following the lead of others, revelling in the greater freedom in travel–something he hadn't considered often after his childhood wandering stint. Despite the military duties, with a mount, family, and closer friends, there was no way he could lose sight of them this time.
Current Story
The open-scale warfare of recent years swayed his passive perceptions of politics and racism. Eoghan scarcely minded anything beyond his own received orders, but those same excursions shone the worth of his personal matters in a new light; on the grand scale they meant nothing, but he had only ever been a small scale and impressionable sort. While hardly batting an eye in bouts against the Empire, the issue close at home between the Kingdom and Delverne measured his own idealistic sympathies against the heavy-handed nature of conflicts.
After the tumultuous year of 8293 – ongoing conflicts with Delverne, the demise of Tharoneos, the abrupt civil split of the Kingdom, lost contacts and the new alliance between East Miras and the Empire – Eoghan had little time to reflect on the fallout, adjusting to his new life in Amedra shared with military superiors and the little oracles he followed. Or rather, he thought plenty and often and over and over, laden with his own prejudices and peers' inputs. But evasive of arduous thought, he glossed what he could to get by.
With the next year's rapid churning of waters, lands and their disastrous fairytales, he yet maintained a keen faith in not only the divine, but in others to survive them. No matter the scale, it would be true with belief – for without that denial, Eoghan would've been broken by the rest he'd then lost to Cantor's razing while he was so far from home. But having solid proof that at least she was still alive sent him on his new missions with soaring gratitude to the gods and trust in the future.
Even if... time moved strangely, and the new task ahead of them to bring back Iryneia... is somewhat demanding?
Additional Info
The citadel mark is on his left ear tip
[ stash refs ] [ weapon assets ]
Makes use of sword, whip and magic, rather than a physical shield.
Terrible with money, be it impulse purchases, gullibility, ignorance, or plain forgetting where he put his wallet... he doesn't carry much on himself for that reason.
His ability to nap in any place and at any time is a talent in itself.
Has a tendency to hoard little things in collections. Cool-looking rocks for one !
Contrary to appearance, he enjoys morbid humour more than he really ought to. He also enjoys scribbling in colouring books... more than he ought. Actually, most of his habits...
Latest Very Realistic goal in life is to quit the military after the war, procure the best rock collection in the world, adopt white oracle Clover and a million other kids, have judad be their godfather, marry Lorelei, live in both Cantor and Nisalvini, live in a giant house with everyone he likes with a million pets and farms and
Surname is taken after the name of their hometown ( Elwyn - Æðelwine)
Eoghan is pronounced the same as 'Owen' !
Birthday: 4th Thawing, Year of Beginnings (8269); Pristis the Leviathan [March 4th]
Day 13th Month of the Horse, Year of the Lambent Perfume Crane; True Animal: Silkworm, Secret Animal: Otter
Relations (family & NPCs)
Racquelle Elwynne [adopted sister]
The cutest most adorable adopted sister EVER in the WORLD. No contest. He dumps the most random trinkets and odd souvenirs he can find on her if they're cute. Racquelle was last stationed in Cantor at the contested borders during the kingdom's civil split. Separated without contact, he prays every day for her safety.
Sir 'Handsome' Horsie
His mount, as gaudy a redhead as he is (and more charismatic, at that).
Lady Legs Execution Shrimp: A fledgling pegasus found injured and lost in a corner of Amedra, Eoghan adopted her with Nice's blessing as she was no longer fit for the military training of her original home under the Espadas. Named by the kids, now their new playmate!
Lorelei Glaisyer
A charming first meeting in Nisalvini and he'd already set his sights on who to court; a few years later meant cupboards of letters and mountains worth of flowers alongside childishly handcrafted doodads sent the girl's way.
If Eoghan had one thing going for him, it was ...persistence, a faith which has held true through the disasters!
BABY BOY. Eoghan's not-so-secretly self-proclaimed adopted son and everybody knows this nowadays in this fine 8295 year of apocalypse because he won't shut up about His Kid at every opportunity. Would empty his curiously, perpetually half-empty wallet for this little one because he DESERVES THE WORLD.
Judah Sawyer
Eoghan’s admittedly in awe of the Royal Guard, as Mr. Judah found his lost wallet for him the first time they met in Amedra. He's So Cool. And So Nice, to boot.
Something about that serious nature and straitlaced expression is what Eoghan aspires to (and will never achieve, in all honesty). He looks up to Judah as both a soldier and a great guy!
Nice Espadas
Nice Espadas is one of those whose family names and achievements precede them, yet still never fails to surprise in the flesh, in a great way!
Eoghan regards her and her station with respect – and at the same time, her easy charisma often makes him forget at times of her rank. Needless to say, he's rather fond of her, in laidback presence and steadfast leadership both!
Seth Karlsson
Seth may be young, but he is someone with far more grit and heart than many other adults, as Eoghan has learned over the short years since they'd first met. If Eoghan were to trust his back to anyone, it'd surely be to this fellow rider for that very courage, and his wonderful dooty little tunes!
Tilia Belaire
One can never go wrong with a bouquet fashioned together by a professional. Having initially met her as a customer, Eoghan’s perception of the young woman still centers around those floral roots, so seeing her as a fellow soldier is an odd juxtaposition, to say the least. But she's awesome with a bow, and a great co-worker!
Lanier Cleyrendal
Meeting Lanier as one of the older white oracles was both awing and reassuring to Eoghan. Though reluctant to part with Clover for his regular duties, knowing Lanier as the big sister figure to the little ones was more than comforting!
Her words moved his heart during the civil split – and while sometimes he wished he'd stayed closer to home since, Eoghan is glad he came to see it through and build a new life with Clover and the others in Amedra.
Sarifee Laemiril
Sarifee is dazzling both onstage and off - just in different ways. She's more blunt and reserved than he might've expected at first, but there's a golden heart behind it all, and it shows in her charitable actions (plus, Sir Horsie's favouring is never wrong). 😌 Meeting again several years later while facing the Generals, he's grateful beyond words for her news on Lorelei. Her natural dark hair looks lovely, too!
Gueniévre Favreau
Eoghan remembers her from the first Leywood expedition – it's hard to forget such a cool-headed beauty like that (and even more so when she shows up occasionally in dreams!). Since the civil split, and now on the same Iridus quest together, he can only marvel at how she handles everything with seeming ease. Both charismatic and focused like a knife's edge, Guen is definitely someone meant to lead!
Ryanna Geist
Recognized from the first expedition but only properly acquainted in the second, Eoghan was tickled by the thought of Ryanna being a lucky charm in a sense, owing to her Ley Fawn luck. Cheery with lovable fluffy companions but intense with her firearms, he hasn’t seen her since the Leywood, but knowing her capabilities, she's sure to be fine wherever she is. Recently, he had a strange dream that reminded him of her. Weird!
Rozene Malveaux
Despite her funny attitude, Rozene has an amazing fashion sense, so adept at the art of Aesthetics and Presentability that Eoghan wonders why she’s in the military when she could be putting her skills to use elsewhere! But that eye for Aesthetics saved him from going as a potato for the Masquerade. Eoghan last saw her when they were working together for the prince and princess' birthday celebrations, but not for a while since... hope she's doing all right!
Aleksi Laurila
Unknown to Eoghan, this charmer was the gaudy rooster taking Lorelei's time and attention one night during the Masquerade... !! But Eoghan has come to recognise Aleksi's eloquent chatter during the second Leywood Expedition, and in teamwork for Iridus' quest.
A peculiar crab party dream (in which Eoghan was promptly escorted out by crustacean bouncers) eventually led to asking the storyteller for an autograph to give to Clover. Even his signature holds such mystery in its single line!
Oriads are such strange-looking figures, and Ninny no exception! But Eoghan has fondly come to learn they're just like any other plant child. Before he embarked upon the quest to find Iridus, he attempted to teach Ninny how to mount and ride a pegasus – no easy feat for one as short and shy as they. But they seemed to have caught the drift, and with a gentle enough steed... surely, they're doing fine now, wherever they needed to be?