Karan Avasarala


Basic Information
Karan Avasarala
Birth Date:
9th Gifts, Souls 8160 [Day 28 Month of Salmon, Year of Incandescent Crystal Snake]
Wood Elf
Circle of the Wreath
Spicy & street food, lemons, plants & gardening, amphibians, loose & airy clothing, lively music, archaeology, learning
fancy koben music, carrots..., idleness, contrarianism, dishonesty, holding his tongue
Karan primarily acts on emotion. He acts first and asks questions later - usually, out loud. For him, there’s not much separation between his thoughts and what comes out of his mouth; although he is aware that his way of speech is quite rough, the speed at which he reacts and speaks is hard for him to control. He speaks so immediately on his thoughts that he isn’t sure how to reform those thoughts into more… eloquent, euphemistic phrases… Efforts to do so end up with stammering and painfully slow communication. Anyway, he also prefers not to beat around the bush and obscure how he really feels.
He lacks patience and gets frustrated easily, but he cares about people with the same level of intensity. He can come off as intimidating because of how strongly he feels about things, being on the more aggressive and confrontational end of the spectrum. Because he's used to taking care of others he can be protective (perhaps too much so at times) and might act too much like a caretaker. Like his father, Karan sees people as people - unique individuals with their own lives and dreams and emotions, capable of accomplishing some amazing things but also just as prone to mistakes; surprisingly resilient, yet fragile at the same time; and that makes people fascinating to him, why he values the lives of others and cares about their well-being.
Karan is quite stubborn once his mind is made up. He believes that determination and willpower can get you what you want most of the time, because he got to where he is through pouring all of that into working hard. Perhaps too used to working hard, he gets restless sitting around doing nothing, so he is always doing chores or busying himself with some hobby in his free time. Others describe Karan as an ambitious person, but he sees himself as just doing what he has to do. However, he is proud of his accomplishments. If he sees someone more accomplished, rather than getting jealous, Karan is even more fired up to pursue his own goals and quickly get to that person's level. He respects strength and determination in others, but also admires their patience that he himself lacks.
Because he finds people so fascinating, he loves observing what life is like for other people and he enjoys listening to others and getting to know them, delighting in even small details. He doesn't find himself nearly as interesting. Were he to take more time to think things through before acting, he would realize why he enjoys observing others, why he finds himself so uninteresting - but there has never been time to think too long about such things, as Karan has always had his mind full of responsibilities and obligations to fulfill.
Born and raised in Estraude, Karan grew up with the tales of his father Emil’s accomplishments as a healer and member of the Circle of Wreaths. His father would talk about his dream of building medical and healing facilities across the world: a place where who you were or where you were from didn’t matter, and everyone was given equal priority. They would be centers of learning for all pursuing the field of healing and medicine. Karan’s father especially wanted this for his homeland, Tusa, given the great wealth disparity.
From the first sign of aptitude in his childhood, it was always a given that Karan would follow in the footsteps of his father, and those around him had great expectations for him. He studied hard, he practiced hard, and he fought hard against everyone who tried to bully him. People praised him for being talented, or a prodigy, but in reality it was the result of his efforts and sacrificing his other hobbies and spare time. He did this more than ever once it was clear his father hadn’t much time left. His mother expected as much from him. As an exorcist, there came a day when Emil’s body could no longer handle the stress of his work. He spent his final years in Estraude under the care of Karan and his mother. Using all of his time for his studies and looking after his father, Karan joined the Circle of Wreaths at a young enough age that his mother and relatives saw fit to make sure everyone in Estraude knew about it.
When his father passed, Karan took up the job of a second parent, helping to raise his youngest sibling Malaika and trying to hold his mother Nagita together. Karan had other siblings; his eldest brother Isra was someone he felt strangely distant from, despite all efforts on his part. His younger sibling Rahayu seemed to be the only one close to the eldest at all. After Emil’s death, the mostly absent Isra disappeared completely. Rahayu disappeared soon after.
Karan’s relatives soon stepped in to help take care of Malaika and Nagita, and encouraged Karan to go and continue his father’s vision. Karan left to help operate his father’s clinic in Tusa.
The drastically different environment proved difficult to adjust to, not to mention Tusa was just...completely different from what Karan was used to. And after seeing Tusa for himself, it quickly became apparent just how difficult it would be to make his goals a reality. Karan would need to find more healers - but first, he needed more finances. In hindsight it was kind of dumb to rush in without a plan but that just meant he had room to improvise, right? With determination and hard work, he could do it. That’s how he’d always done everything.
On slower days, Karan would venture out of the clinic to offer his services on the go. After one such occasion where he provided healing to a stranger in need, the stranger came back to his clinic, with some ‘friends’ that could also use some patching up… And that was the beginning of Karan's career healing mercenaries, criminals and people generally not favoured by the law. Yes, in a way he had made shady deals with these people. What would his father have done? For once, he had not thought of that first. It was the first time he made the decision on his own. His heart had raced. He felt like he was doing something wrong. But these were his principles, and he was acting on them. In his father’s clinic, ...no, it was now his clinic.
Karan aided the rebellion around 2 decades later. During the events of the rally on 20th Arrival and the attack on the Gara Uusel and the Tusa Palace, Karan tried to save as many people as he could. With Shirin as the 7th Yazgur, Karan felt achieving his and his father's dream was more tangible than before, and the flame of determination burned stronger than ever in him. So strong, that he felt as if his abilities were being somewhat wasted operating this clinic. It felt like he was simply maintaining a status quo that left him restless and dissatisfied.
There had to be something more he could do with his skills.
With the world soon at war, he would need to.
Current Story
Souls 8292
Throes of Change - Karan provides aid to the injured and helps with repairs.
The Harvest - Karan stays in Tusa for the holidays to operate the clinic. He spends time with some relatives on his father’s side.
Daggers in the Dark; And Night Did Fall - The whole affair is shocking and deeply unsettling. Something is amiss - there is no way Akiela could have…? He feels so powerless. All he can do is try to mitigate the harm in the aftermath of whatever havoc is made by higher powers. It’s driving Karan mad. And for Akiela to be caught up in this - there is no justice…
Beginnings 8293
Diamond Sky - Once again Karan has to clean up the aftermath of some unsettling incident, and you know what? He’s starting to get REAL tired of constantly patching up the messes of whatever games the 4d chess masters are playing from their ivory towers!! Gods damn it all.. Ugh he needs to sit down
Firefall - DRAGONS? FUCKING DRAGONS? Oh god— his blood pressure—
Southern Federation - For Karan, who has home in both Estraude and Tusa, the Southern Federation is an exciting event - however, he can’t help but feel in the back of his mind this sense of foreboding. There is so much going on right now that doesn’t bode well, it’s hard to experience this event with pure celebration. But…he is a simple man. He isn’t particularly clever, nor is he powerful. For the machinations he cannot fathom, he can only hold onto the optimistic determination to soldier his way through whatever comes. Karan visits his family Estraude shortly after, to celebrate with them and enjoy the open travel.
Deadlock - Karan makes his way to Orgos (Whelcliffe) as part of the organized aid. It was a tense effort and extremely uncomfortable stay, but Karan was not dissuaded by it. He stayed, even as tensions escalated with the Federation’s refusal to leave. When matters finally boiled over into violence, Karan helped the Federation stand its ground, assisting the military effort with his healing as a volunteer. Naturally, he helped the civilians as well, and did his best to get them to safety. They have now broken their treaty with the empire. Well…fuck, I guess.
Deal with Devils - Karan is among those who sees the actions of the Federation, of himself, as the liberation of Orgos. He will stand by his actions.
Memories of Orgos - Karan remains in Orgos to help the locals and local care efforts. Of course, he takes the time to participate in some of the festive spirit too. He’s going to DRINK. By the gods he needs somehow to wash out all of his built up salty feelings from the recent events–
Unravelling - The news is not only devastating, but completely overwhelming. As Karan becomes a snowman in Orgos, he wonders, bewildered and disturbed: Just… What in Alva is going on…? The news of Tharoneos is especially heartrending. As for the missing expeditioners, Karan notices… Among the missing persons, Ceras is included. But as he walks the beaches of Orgos, he finds a different missing expeditioner, in that moment a stranger, and does as he always does - his duty as a healer. In exchange for his help, Rayne offers Karan a ride on his airship. He feels he has done satisfactory work in Orgos, and moreover, the world is becoming too strange to ignore. He feels too restless, too powerless to stick to only trying to undo the damages after the fact. Karan agrees to go with Rayne, yet unaware of the man’s role in the expedition’s final moments…
Coins 8294
Pera’Lan - Rayne’s destination was Estraude, which turned out very convenient for Karan. However, the guy needed continued medical attention for something he was clearly keeping a secret from the rest of the crew, and the ship itself was in a hidden location… How does Karan keep accidentally walking into shady business dealings? Should he switch career paths!?!? This is getting ridiculous!! But Karan is rather used to dealing with patients of the criminal kind at this point, and doesn’t want to dig into dangerous business; so he’s just gonna do his job and try to get along well enough. He vowed to heal people, no matter their background. During this time, he celebrates Pera’lan with his family, friends (i.e. Kamlai and Inis), and even a bit with some members of the super sussy ship who came to town for the festivities. It’s time to get fucking wrecked and forget all the stress!!!! Aalok, you are partially responsible for his blood pressure!!! sob…
… Karan, Malaika, and their mother gather on the Day of Mourning. They perform both Estran and Tusar customs in remembrance of Emir.
Distress Call [special quest] - Karan is called upon by the Circle to conduct a search and rescue for a lost caravan. The effort proves to be a dangerous one, but they manage to barely make it with their lives and are rewarded with ancient revelations for their struggles.
World’s Wrath - The sinking of Nisalvini is an unimaginable tragedy - just as unimaginable at all of the events that follow. Strange terrarian elves are appearing everywhere, along with ancient lands. Karan should probably feel dread…But he feels indignation. He’s tired of this shit messing with everyone. Whatever happens now, he feels he should be at the forefront of it, wrangling disaster by the horns and steering it away from people as much as possible. But there’s no way for him to know when or where something will happen next... Karan has the opportunity, so he goes to Cantor to help the refugees alongside his apprentice Nina (SO PROUD).
Kamon and Ceras are among the survivors. Kamon is in an understandably bad state, and his heart breaks for her. He tries to support her the best he can, but providing gentle comfort was never a skillset of his. Ceras tells Karan to leave her alone. He leaves, after some heated words.
The paths of different people cross. Karan encounters Atticus. Atticus encounters Rayne. Karan finally learns the truth about the end of the Leywood expedition. He’s met with a conflict of interest: emotionally he feels A Lot, but his principles as a healer demand neutrality from him.
Not long after, Seo reveals her true identity as a dark elf and lashes out before she leaves the crew. Karan, who had an amiable if distant relationship with her, finally understands her reserved behaviour; and he supports her where her crew did not. He acts as her escort to Tusa, insisting it’s dangerous to go alone; take him! And, it’s all the more reason to stop having any dealings with the Pristis/Stormdrake.
Seo and Karan soon join the Rapace. While Karan only meant to help Seo settle into Tusa, he feels he’s finally been presented with the opportunity he’s been looking for. He can be there when things go wrong, to help people stop it - to help the fight to save the world.
Fantastic Bazaar - The Rapace attacks a human trafficking ring and saves the victims. Karan is coming to realize he is the most put together and ready to act the more dire the situation.
Shadow of Atros - Karan finds himself in Iadlain with Seo and Aalok, having separate business with them both. The combined force of their presence sends his blood pressure through the roof— Seo needs a lot of care after the loss of her arm.
24th Rains 8294 –> Paths 8295
Visiting his family does not go well. His mother has begun to grow desperate to have him settle down, and it’s likely coming from many deep seeded issues. She’s grown especially upset with his increasingly dangerous involvement with world developments. Karan bites back, for more reasons than he consciously understands. Meanwhile, he grows closer to Boloma, and takes much needed comfort in the familial connection he has with her. He feels more comfortable on the ship than at home…
Beginning of the End -
[VI. Irana (I)] Karan and co. find themselves in an otherworldly place - literally. They manage to find each other and work together. But what were those visions…? [XIII. Irana (II)] Aalok manages to bring everyone back. Karan is worried and scared for Aalok. But he knows he cannot ask.
Sin and Sacrifice -
[VI. Missing Pieces] Tasked with investigating the missing Estrans, Karan finds the Church of Estraude particularly suspicious, and pays a visit… While investigating with the whole team, the plot thickens, and even more so when Aalok and Seo are kidnapped (blood…blood pressure—!!!). Estraude is soon embroiled in one of the strangest of all the incidents so far - and Karan can only do his best to provide aid amidst the chaos. Once reunited with Aalok and Seo (strange…blood pressure isn’t going down), the three work together to deal with the portal in the Chamber of Aediles. [in progress]
Additional Info
His gold accessories are made by Inis/'s family
His clothes were lovingly made for him by his sister Malaika. Karan's cloak belonged to his father.
He picked up some sewing and beading skills from his mother and Malaika. Malaika always bothered him to make little bracelets with her and the like.
Karan's temper is especially short around Ceras.
Isra remains missing, while Rahayu has come back to visit from time to time. It wasn't until years later that they told Karan they'd known Isra's plans to disappear, and that they knew his whereabouts. Even then, they still refused to tell Karan or explain their actions.
he always enjoyed plants but didn't have the time to take care of any besides succulents. recently he has started to take collect and take care of plants, an interest he decided to pursue tangentially because of Aalok.
Boloma Intira
From the outside, the two appear to clash frequently and argue with each other. As someone aboard her airship, Karan's rough manners frequently seem to toe the line. To the two of them, this is just how they speak to each other.
Karan respects Bo and looks up to her as a role model. He's fond of her and hopes she can consider him family.
{ "Why do you have to act like that!? You practically punish people for caring about you - You put other people down just for having feelings - but if you can't handle that, isn't that your fucking problem?" }
Karan's cousin through his mother's side. Ceras spent some of her earliest years in Estraude and was back to visit multiple times growing up, but the two have a rather strained relationship.
Ceras doesn't feel like family. She doesn't feel connected to anyone or anywhere, and combined with her callously playful disposition he finds her offputting and discomforting. Karan has tried to understand her better, only to be pushed away and made to feel a fool for trying. Her company is unpleasant; she's his opposite in almost every way, and her irresponsibility and indifference sets him off the most - but maybe there is a layer of jealousy underneath all of those feelings.
Despite it all, he worries about her.
Karan's Family
Emil Avasarala - Karan's late father. He was a warm and gentle man, known for his kind but resolute nature. Despite knowing what the path of exorcism would do to him, he purposefully walked it anyway. He knew who he was and what he believed in, and never compromised on those principles.
Emil never mentioned any aspirations for Karan or his future. He made sure to mention he would always love him, no matter what. Sometimes, his smile would seem a bit sad. He once asked a young Karan what he wanted to do, and Karan answered that he wanted to make his parents proud. That was one of those times.
Nagita Sirisena - Karan's mother. Growing up in a family with a long and proud history, she knew from a young age that she was to enter an arranged marriage someday, and it excited her. When she married, she would obtain a happy life with many wonderful wood elf children. When she met Emil and his parents, it helped that she fell head over heels for him right away. In a sense, her happiness hinged on Emil... So she was all the more lost when he passed early. Half of her children disappeared, and her youngest would grow up without a father...
She is convinced that her sister (Ceras's mother) ran off with her light elf lover to rebel against the family, like she always had. Even when she helped her sister through her pregnancy and Ceras's first year, Nagita felt it was a shame to see her sister's life such a mess.
In recent years, Nagita has become enthusiastic about finding Karan a marriage partner.
Isra & Rahayu Avasarala - Karan remembers Isra as quiet, not cold but mysterious and withdrawn. He was always going somewhere doing who-knows-what, even before he disappeared. Rahayu was the only one who seemed to know much about Isra, but they were almost as secretive. Unlike Karan, they were always composed and down-to-earth. They don't seem to have a bad relationship with him, but there's always something they aren't saying, and he doesn't know how to handle people like that.
Malaika Avasarala - The youngest sibling, Malaika was the recipient of all of her mother's desperate love in the absence of her husband and other children. With the additional presence of her other relatives to raise her, she was doted on, very social, and very confident of her charm. She has a bubbly and talkative personality, but due to the stronger personalities of her mother and Karan, would rather back down or let go of any issue rather than continue to pursue speaking her mind. She has a great relationship with Karan, to whom she gives double all the affection she receives. She recognizes her lonely mother has a somewhat needy relationship towards her, but she still wants to accompany her mother for now, out of love and out of sympathy.