Balthazar Siegel


Basic Information
Balthazar Siegel
Birth Date:
14th December, 8265. (True Raven/Secret Silkworm, Year of the Incandescent Amber Bee)
5'10" | 178
Noble, Earl of Heldar
Koben Imperial Court
Therras' Favour
| Fashion | Sailing | Competitive Riding | Horses | Hunting | Technology | Travelling | Sleeping | Guns | Drinking | Gambling |
| Sweets | Expectations | Implications that he is incapable or a failure | Conflict | Gossip | Rules | Dancing | Being compared | Fencing | The Military |
Balthazar is at first glance a charismatic man who has all the charm and ease of someone who has passed a comfortable life free of troubles. But as one will plainly see in due time, this means he is equally incapable of overcoming anything particularly distressing by himself. He will always choose the path of least resistance, and in most cases he would rather bend to a strong opinion than try to fight it. Notorious for pretending problems don't exist, he can be very reluctant to admit that they do- an escapist through and through. His resolve to avoid conflict both internal and external is so strong that Balthazar can actually be unreasonably stubborn about it.
Yet in all actuality Balthazar is a very capable person should he choose to do something of his own volition-- or should someone force his hand in a way he can't refuse. He has potential, but usually lacks a drive of his own, and simply finds it too troublesome to take advantage of the greater breadth of his talents. After seeing the pressure that standing out can cause first-hand, he prefers to plod along in mediocrity to avoid inciting any inconvenient expectations from those around him. However, he is entirely capable of supporting others in their pursuits, and if to that end he must expend what little goodness he has in him, he's always glad to do so. Though he dislikes serious conversation, insightful words of comfort have occasionally slipped through his normally evasive nature.
As someone who is accustomed to getting his way, Balthazar is particularly adept at maneuvering into the hearts of those around him so he can live easily- but when feeling cornered by a person or a situation, he can become quite unpleasant. He is aware that he has the ability to show a very ugly side of himself that is the epitome of obstinate, vindictive, and self-centered, and he makes painstaking efforts to never be caught losing control of his temper. He has only (unwillingly) revealed his ugliest side to choice individuals after many failed attempts at evading escalation. Yet despite his inherently selfish nature and increasingly materialistic disposition, Balthazar is at his heart a pacifist who struggles to reconcile his distaste for politics with his love for his country-- and the people who live in it.
Born the eldest son of Luther Siegel, the Earl of Heldar, Balthazar’s childhood was a balance of both bitter and sweet. He was spoiled endlessly by his mother and father, who provided the young boy with whatever he wanted- yet rigorously forced him to apply himself in his studies so that he could someday take up his father’s title. Ecstatic that rote memorization and understanding seemed to come easily to their son, they slackened their overbearing ways in his teens, hoping for him to find his own way as he grew closer to reaching adulthood. Their hopes were quickly dashed however, when this taste of freedom quickly turned their son from the path of politics. He found a hobby in sailing, travelling, and anything that took him far from home. His studies all but abandoned, his parents attempted to rein him back in by shipping him off to the army- where he could be supervised and relearn his lost discipline. They made sure he saw little beyond the base however, and his stint in the army was more for image than anything else. It was around this time that he grew to dislike the gossip that seemed to envelop him whenever he returned home to attend stuffy balls and social gatherings- he had no interest in the petty affairs of the aristocracy, and could not fathom why they were so interested in his personal matters. He learned the value of keeping his secrets secret, and did so with the utmost care.
Regardless, he managed to find close friends in the noble sphere, partners in crime with others his age such as the Rotherzogs or the Crown Prince. The sudden death of the latter was a great blow to Balthazar, who held him in high regard and had looked forward to his dim future in government thanks to his companionship. Though still charismatic in crowds, he grew unwilling to make new friends, and preferred to keep everyone not already familiar with him at a polite arm’s distance. With the charged tensions surrounding the empire, Balthazar also put an end to his travels to stay put at home, learning the finer points of managing of his family and tenants’ affairs. But what he had cursed as a mundane and boring lifestyle was plagued by increasing pressure to marry, and marry well. His extreme indifference towards women and self-sabotaged engagements had caused his parents endless worry, and they took a heavy handed approach to rectifying the situation. It was no surprise to Balthazar that his father would never accept anything less than his own flesh and blood as an heir, so he was faced with a reality that his own pride and personal habits could not endure: If he did not marry a woman, his inheritance would go instead to his younger brother Lars...
Current Story
... But all was not lost. Balthazar's unhappy situation was improved, upon the adoption of an heiress into the family of their neighboring estate. Of similar age, interests, and rank, Ludovika Waryslav was a perfect match for Balthazar- in both the opinion of his parents who pushed the acquaintance upon them, and over time, in the opinion of Balthazar himself, who found that her disposition was the most bearable he had ever encountered in a woman. After delaying the inevitable as long as he could manage, he sacrificed his freedom and a future with his true love in favor for following the path that had been laid out for him at birth. They married, and Balthazar embarked on a surprisingly livable married life, and a fulfilling political career that was made so by the presence of Sigmund and Aeron by his side. Equally busy with their respective duties to the Crown Prince and the Empress, Balthazar was able to maintain his preferred distance from Ludovika without suspicion for a while-- but as time went on, the expectations she had of him as her husband, the head of their family, and as a man, began to weigh upon him. He studiously avoided her, exacerbating the unspoken tension in their union-- but all was temporarily forgotten upon the birth of their son, Caleb, an absolute joy in the midst of dark times and the Gods' War. His mood bouyed by a string of successes at Court, his new son, and the improvement of his marriage gave him the mental strength to weather through the sudden death of the Emperor with relative ease, and though Sigmund seemed troubled beyond his help, he felt capable of being his strength.
The sudden death of the Emperor-Apparent however, was a reality check for Balthazar that made the glittering veneer of his life come crashing down. His faction weakened meant his political career hinged upon throwing his support behind the very people who he suspected had driven Sigmund to death in the first place-- something his pride left him entirely incapable of doing. His wife, more concerned with the stability of their family than her husband's pride, saw the cracks of his affection for her plainly in an ensuing argument-- and the trust between them was seriously damaged. And finally, in his infant son, he saw how he had failed Sigmund, and feared he would fail him as well. The expectations that had once seemed easy now seemed to be shackles, and everything around him a reminder of how he was living a life he would never have chosen for himself had he been capable of living a different one.
Hoping he would have at least his last shred of pride to call his own, Balthazar arranged an accident the day before the new Empress' coronation. A shot to the leg, and a quick escape to recover in East Miras. A flimsy story but one to which he was committed to, resulting in yet another argument with his wife that sealed the deal. He fled, and is currently in East Miras trying to be anybody but himself.
Additional Info
He dislikes the nickname ‘Balto’, though it was his military nickname. He's gotten used to it, but can still be a bit prickly if someone he's not friends with (or his mother) tries to use it.
He was to be married to a fellow noblewoman when he turned 21, but a man of higher rank than his own became infatuated with her (at his subtle encouragement and suggestion) and the engagement was broken off, much to his relief.
He has three dogs, one of which was a gift from the current Empress, former Gravina of Luritz's illustrious line of magic(?) hunting dogs. That dog in particular, close in appearance to a long haired Weimaraner, accompanies him nearly everywhere he goes and is usually in the background somewhere minding her own business. Her name is Misty. After the conflict between the Empress and himself escalated, he has now left Misty in Linhythe, under the care of his younger sister. His other dogs are a golden retriever named Daisy, and a French Spaniel named Parsley.
The Heldar Estate is located in the far Eastern part of the Koben region, on the Bratkowice border. It is a relatively large estate due to the value of the land there being rather lower than in other parts of Koben, and specializes primarily in wheat farming and the crafting of beers, with a small market in cured meats. The westernmost part of the estate once belonged to the Marienkafer family, but was combined with Heldar during Balthazar's grandfather's time. It has since been returned to Martin Marienkafer after the purchase was facilitated by the Rotherzog family and Balthazar’s agreement to his father’s extraneous terms.
The Imdael Estate is located Northwest of Koben City, and borders the Erzthal estate. It is significantly smaller than Heldar, and much of its economy is based on refining ores and minerals from surrounding lands into intermediate goods that are then sold to be finalized in the city's factories. The title and estate were brought into the family through his mother.
Their proximity to Bratkowice has resulted in quite a bit of Bratkovan blood in the Siegel family ancestry on his father’s side. Most locals in Heldar tend to be capable of communicating in Bratibran to some extent or another-- and some are either immigrants or directly descended from Bratkovans themselves. Balthazar however, is famously terrible at Bratibran amongst his father's tenants, who revel in asking their lord-to-be to make paltry attempts for their amusement.

Silaya Nairavfund

Jarrett Blumenthal

Atticus Leland

Luciana Kaspar
Ludovika Waryslav
The heiress of the estate bordering his father's, at first Balthazar was cautious of her due to his parents' fervent desire for a union between them. He found her company tolerable however, and eventually even found her pleasant to be with. They are now married and have a newborn son together, but the once-ignored differences between them have begun to become unavoidable, and their union is currently quite troubled.
Gabrielle Siegel
His younger sister and favorite sibling. Gabrielle has served as a bit of a confidant and a reliable ally in his family, and in exchange he uses his influence to do all he can to make her life happier. He's intent on making sure that she marries whoever she wants, without thought as to their money, rank, or anything beyond whether they're a good person or not.
Aeron Rotherzog
Their similar age and relatively close estates meant that they waved wooden swords together in their childhood- though Balthazar had been closer to Aeron's twin at the time. When Aeron was presumed dead, he followed all of his last wishes, and was a constant by his side after he returned rather less whole than he had left. Now adults, they've weathered thick and thin together and as a testament to their friendship, Aeron served as Balthazar's best man at his wedding.
Sigmund Roenach
Though their friendship began as a convenient conduit through which to channel their grief over the death of Prince Fabian, Sigmund quickly became equally important to Balthazar in his own right. In the hopes of being a proper role model to him, Balthazar cleaned up his act and began to be a proper adult. But his sudden death has thrown Balthazar into a despair even deeper than the one that his elder brother Fabian's did, the double whammy simply too much for him to bear.

Fabian Roenach
The late Crown Prince and a good friend from his days in the military. To Balthazar's surprise, Fabian was anything but the typical pompous and insufferable royal- and in fact found him quite relatable and fun. He respected the Crown Prince and felt that he would've been an emperor whom Balthazar would've been willing to follow, and put effort into helping him in his role. After years of refusing to speak of him, he has managed to broach the subject sparingly, but Fabian's death was an undeniable blow and weighs heavily on him after their last days together were spent at odds. With both Artur and Sigmund's sudden deaths, Balthazar keenly feels once again that he has failed Fabian and the guilt is rather all-consuming.
Martin Marienkäfer
A childhood "friend" (read: toy) and a very very distant cousin whom Balthazar loved to tease when they were younger. He treated Martin more like a little brother than his actual sibling, having good laughs at his expense despite having spent a fair amount of his youth under his aunt's tutelage. Despite a botched confession from him that left Balthazar rather worried for the future of their friendship, to his relief it rather improved their relationship as Balthazar no longer wondered if Martin held their less-than-amicable past against him. Though Martin's duties in the military have kept them apart for quite some time, Balthazar still tries to keep up with Martin and is ever concerned for his safety.
Logan Doherty
The man Balthazar tottered after as a child, admiring him as a role model until he grew too old to believe in role models at all. He respects Logan greatly, and more so now that he's returned from the North after being presumed dead. He once thought of Logan as boring and dull after getting married and having children-- and now Balthazar avoids him studiously for not being half so dedicated to his own wife and child as Logan is to his.

Kun Li
A Song-Luan Bard who accompanied him and his old travelling friends on an adventure that lasted a few months after Balthazar left the military. He was Balthazar's last flame before his marriage, and their lost time together is still a deep regret for Balthazar. He speaks of him to no one, though his father and younger brother are aware of his existence and significance. He's concerned for Kun now that Song-Lu is in a state of chaos, but is trying not to concern himself with him now that Kun has seemingly moved on.

Rolf Siegel
His uncle on his father's side. He had a good relationship with his uncle in his childhood and would often go sailing with him-- and used him, a then fashionable and edgy bachelor, as an unfortunate role model. They've become more formal and distant with each other as Balthazar has grown older, and taken on the title of Earl.

Nadine Siegel
His aunt. Balthazar's not particularly fond of her due to her severe personality, despite their similar hobbies and interests.