Elentiya Linden


Basic Information
Elentiya Linden
Birth Date:
19th Stars, 8173 (Lucernae, Year of Beginnings)
5'5" (165 cm)
Wood Elf
Arcane Researcher and Historian
The Arcanists
Wood Blossoming
Mareus' Favour
Tomes and scrolls | Research rabbit holes | Exploration | Crisp autumn air | Nature hikes | Tea with company | Stargazing | Breakthroughs and someone to share them with
Sleep | Interruptions | Egotists | Underhanded deals | Eggs | Systemic injustice | Reed instruments
Intellectual | Caring | Humble | Idealistic | Intuitive | Knowledgeable | Self-Sacrificing | Passionate | Easily Shaken, Rarely Swayed
A researcher to her core, Elentiya is fascinated by the arcane and unexplored. She enjoys finding purpose in her studies, and delights in the "aha!" moment with each new discovery. Understanding and knowledge are at the core of her engine of self, but don't mistake her studious nature for a cold persona. Her intrinsic moral fiber dictates a firm belief in the goodness of most people, and she tries to do good for those around her. She often acts out of a desire to lift others up, no matter what sort of credit she recieves. In fact, being the center of attention is an uncomfortable position for her, even when taking on leadership roles. She never gives herself more credit than she feels she deserves, despite what others may say.
While in the past pressure has caused her to make mistakes in her craft, over the past few years of apocalyptic events, she has become a much better performer under stress. In fact, one could say she's become almost too good. When called to act on the front lines for her knowledge and research factors, she has been known to leave her own health and wellbeing behind. Rest comes secondary to the fire that now lights in her spirit, despite any nerves that come. While the events of the world and the costs of their fight often dislodge her from her course, they have yet to stop her from following through.
Elentiya believes that there can still be a world worth living in someday. She's confident in the earnest spirit of her peers, and the power of minds devoted. Perhaps it's naive to believe so strongly in a world to come as one currently crashes around you, but in Elen's eyes it takes a firm belief in a goal in order to put the effort needed to make it real.
Elentiya Linden's childhood was spent between books and herbs in an Estran townhouse. Her mother, a cleric, and father, a conjurur, were both the proud descendants to long lines of healers and mages. Throughout her young life, they and the community around them encouraged her affinty for magic, surrounding her with kindness and support. Her parents patiently waited to see where that affinity would take her, teaching her about her family, history, magic, and any other subjects she chirped out questions on. From a young age, she always had a soft spot for her father's study. Being surrounded by books just felt right.
As her studies grew more complex, the path of her life began to branch out before her. Allerind had always let her play with his summons, but the magic involved didn't call to her. Calliope's work was noble, and the act of helping people stirred something in Elentiya's spirit, but it, too, didn't sit right with her. One day, as she was deep in her studies, a family friend introduced her to the concept of runic magic. She gave her an old text on the basics of sorcery, a book that spoke on the elements, on the focus towards intricately written and crafted spells condensed into precise strings of ether. Elentiya found herself so invested in the theories of the book that she stayed up for three days, finishing every test in the book several times over.
Her studies soon became more independent, as neither parent felt they could teach Elentiya any better than books and other sources could. In this way, Elentiya began to find the joy of research and development. Her own piles of books started to grow. Experiments were tested, and battles against her own knowledge fought. She carved runes into dead tree branches that fell to the ground to see what they did, learning how to pull and give raw ether to and from the world. At the age of 43, she started to feel confident enough in her work to start crafting her own studies, attempting her own variations on spellcraft to suit her magical tendencies.
Though she loved her home dearly, at 56, she set out from Estraude to see the world and what other knowledge it had to offer her. What new sources of magic could she build upon, what pieces from the world could bolster the magic properly that hadn't been discovered yet? The history of her craft was somewhere out there before her. As parting gifts, her mother gave her a new staff, her father a large green cloak to help protect her from weather.
So began Elentiya's life as a wanderer. She spent time across the west continent, returning to Estraude for small stints to visit when possible. First she came to Nisalvini, then to Cantor. Both cities held such knowledge for her, and were full of welcoming faces. In the years to come she would travel to Miras, Delverne, and Amedra in quick succession, becoming a seasoned traveler of all the roads Miras had to offer. As the thrill of traveling started to wear off, she becan to take root in a city for months at a time, instead of weeks, allowing herself to live and breathe in the world around her. Her studies evolved, as well, beginning to steer towards the long journey to sagehood and the power to not just harness magic, but control and break it.
Cantor, of all the cities she visited, felt the most like her home, in spirit if not in looks. It became her base of operations, and a familiar comfort in the wide world. The library of the Abbey held the same comfort as her father's study, and numerous more books. Here she made friends- some travelers like herself, and other more closely tied to the city and it's church. It is here that she lost an old and dear friend, and for the first time in her life felt the weight time. Not a single moment could be wasted.
Current Story
Elentiya, in an attempt to do good in the world and shake the dust, heeded the call to lend aid in Amedra. In as many key locations as she could, she placed runic protections and hoped for the best. The defenses held, and when things were more stable, she returned to Cantor.
Storming of the North
Following the path of assistance, Elentiya joins a convoy from Cantor to Delverne, aiding the refugees from the north however she can. While not a full fledged healer, her knowledge passed down from her mother comes in handy.
Emerald Masquerade
A rare opportunity to return to her home, Elentiya took the opportunity to do so with the festivities. In return for aid traveling home, she offered a place to stay for Tom, and spent much of her time there with her family.
Midsummer - Cantor
Merriment is had, amidst the world's general air of unease!
Holy War
Elentiya seeks guidance in the comfort of the Abbey as dangerous happenings spread across the world. Her heart calls to the political strife in Estraude, but she cannot turn her back on Cantor and it's pain. She does her best to lend aid, though she feels more lost than before.
Hesitation. A failed call to action, and an inability to do what needed to be done.
Special Quest: To Winnow Words
Elentiya almost went on the Leywood Expedition. She almost did. But something held her back, and after the death of the ley elk, she found herself hurt beyond words. Now, with the crackdown on knowledge coming from the crown itself, she actively seeks to lend her aid wherever she can. The scrolls and texts she's asked to guard, she does so with her life. Her wandering ways return, as she journeys across Miras to find friends new and old, for aid deciphering them without raising the notice of the crown. As the Arcanists find safe haven in the Abbey catacombs, the spirit of rebellion moves her.
World's Wrath
Invigorated by the search to uncover, the Citadel poses a unique challenge and, potentially, a place of useful information for the Arcanists. While Elen goes and researches the rooms inside in awe, she leaves with only etchings in a language older than knowledge.
Playing Gods (Special Role: Giant's Gravedigger)
Danger darkens Cantor's doorstep, and shields can only hold so long. With the whispered knowledge of Telurea from the forgotten texts of the library, she finds a path to Telurea's ancient golems. While others seek the totems above, Elentiya spends all her waking hours translating and recovering the spells necessary to wake them, on the kernel of hope that they will aid and not hurt. Ilias and others make sure she's at least eating, but the necessary task requires all of her energy and focus. The golems, one awoken, rose to the challenge, though even they couldn't stand to the fire.
Elentiya, already so used to the underground, was now rocked with the realization that it may be a more permanent stay than she'd known. It was a daunting realization... and an exciting one.
Elentiya's lack of rest continues, as she and the other Cantish find each other once again in their variety of fallen cities. She works to research all she can, to gather materials and ensure that people are alright down here. She watches her golems standing tall, and the fire within her burns bright.
War of the Ancients: Therras Quest and The Beginning of the End: Therras
The journey to Soloros, and to the heart within is long and daunting. The sight of flames in Soloros sends an ache through her heart: another reminder of a failed mission long again. And yet, they push on. And at long last, the first step of victory is achieved.
Elentiya remains steadfast to see it through.
Sin and Sacrifice: Telurea's End and Ghosts of Telurea
Deeper and deeper still. Elentiya gains more comfort in her role as a resident historical scholar, and doesn't mind so much being regarded as an amateur expert on the subject as the Telurea expedition heads deeper to search for the truth of godchild reincarnation.
The reunion with Karmenie amidst the explorations is a million blessings in one, despite the inevitable departure. Goodbyes always come too soon- but at the time it was nice to have a familiar prescence in increasing unfamiliarity.
Joining with Atticus for the ritual, they determine the end location: Delverne.
She claims a sagecrafted circlet from the vault- a tool that allows her to maintain her craft for longer, and to juggle smaller spells in tandem if need be.
Sin and Sacrifice: Heartland and Revelry
Planning the invasion to Delverne is out of her wheelhouse, and likewise emerging from the portal she leaves behind the one place that she was really starting to find her footing.
She joins the infiltration team in disguise, working their way deeper to the wellspring necessary for Tharoneos' return. Her sagecraft is useful here, buying time where she can, offering what knowledge may be useful.
The depature from Delverne is less magical. Together with Ryanna and Alis, they had welcomed Karmenie back to Alva, and already have to see her depart with one less of their welcoming committe among them. The return of Tharaneos is bittersweet.
Sin and Sacrifice: The Final Hour
Elen left more research than she would've liked in the tunnels beneath the city. But there's little time to think of that- Tharaneos sends them into the heart of battle once more.
There is no rest for the weary. But there is Baetyl!
Additional Info
While she was born in Estraude, during her studies abroad Cantor became more than just a second home. She now considers herself a true Cantish.
Dominantly left-handed, though she's been slowly practicing her ambidexterity. It's a common sight to see her writing on two scrolls at once.
Wears a spherical pendant made of magically sealed pages- a mishap of some magic books in Cantor's Abbey, and a token of the Abbess.
Calliope Linden
Mother and confidante
Allerind Linden
Father; book-haver

Javed Datuvahaya
Discovered the secret abbey library; a fellow wanderer with a kind disposition. She misses him, but dreamwalks can make up for that.