Ryanna Geist


Basic Information
Ryanna Geist
Ry, Vio [for hunting], V [for hunting], Violante [for hunting]
Birth Date:
6th Rains, 8269. [Duabus the Double Tree]
5' 6" / 167.6cm
Family Farm/Yamben Breeder, Bounty Hunter; Underground Scout
Cantish Vassal Court
Humans' Mindspeak
Iridus' Favour
animals, farming, guns and mechanics, savoury-sweet things, small cute things, cooking, jokes/puns...
(hypocritically) dishonest people, the cold, overly-sweet things, Delverne :^)
+ Strong-Willed; Dependable; Quick Thinker; Clever
- Weak Strategist; Stubborn; Overconfident; "Tunnel Vision"
Ryanna is an energetic person, and she likes to have fun. A bit overconfident at times, her eagerness to hop into any situation will more often than not get those around her into more trouble than they're willing to be in. Anyone who knows her will also tell you she's an adventurous spirit, always wanting to travel out of Cantor when she isn't tending to her family's Yamben (and those who really know her will know that it isn't necessarily wanderlust she's travelling for...). Despite dragging people into trouble, however, she's rather dependable and can be relied on should a situation come down to needing to fight anyone off. Quick on her toes, both literally and metaphorically, if there's a last-second decision that needs making, she'll be the one to make it and, hopefully, escape the trouble she dragged anyone into in the first place.
Though Ryanna once got along well with Light Elves, Wood Elves, most half-breeds and humans, she for a time could not STAND Dark Elves unless they gave or showed her a proper reason as to why she should trust them. That dislike of them, as well as most Dark Elf Half-breeds(Though she learned to be less critical of these ones), spanned from an event in her childhood. No one had really managed to cure her of such thinking, and it could perhaps be attributed to her stubbornness and tunnel vision. Not only were those qualities detrimental here, but also whenever she found herself being angry at someone or attempting to hold a grudge. It'll take her a while to be the person who first moves towards apology, if the other person hasn't already tried apologizing first. More recently, however, she seems to have gotten over that past dislike of Dark Elves, as that hatred has all but shifted to most Light Elves--especially those hailing from the nation of Delverne.
Her overconfidence and lack of strategical ability go hand in hand, as she will normally just charge headfirst into any type of situation, making up an ill-thought out plan as she goes along. This can sometimes be beneficial, but most times it is her downfall.
When she was a child, Ryanna had a simple, easy life to live. As one of the richer families of Cantor, thanks to their Yamben business as well as longer standing Vassal status on her mothers side, she didn't have to work very hard as a kid. Having a brother about two years younger than her whom she loved very much, it didn't seem like much could really go wrong in her life. However, when she was about twelve, something terrible happened. Her family's farm and home were raided; a large number of their Yamben stolen, their crops taken, and what was left was destroyed. It might not have affected Ryanna and her family as much, save for the fact that her younger brother, their son, was also kidnapped. They searched the farm and town endlessly, asking others if they saw anything the night of the incident. But nothing turned up about the boy, and the only information they got about the band of thieves was that they were all Dark Elves. The search was kept up for another few years, but was eventually, sadly, dropped. However, Ryanna, having been very close to her brother, was not as willing to give up on him so quickly. So, as she was growing up, she started to train herself with what was available to her. Only partially adept in magic, and not favoring the path of a fighter, she chose to be a scout. First training with a bow, she slowly got into the practice of using guns, with the help of the few her Father owned. Soon enough, she grew accustomed to the use of firearms, and using the money her family had from their Yamben business, Ryanna bought herself her own guns, as well as the ammo. Her aim was to pursue the thieves that ransacked their farm, and hopefully find and rescue her younger brother.
In the beginning, Ryanna hadn't had too much luck in her search efforts; those she asked for help from either didn't have any new leads, were holding back, as they weren't willing to give up whatever organization had a hand in dealing with the raids, or didn't have time to waste speaking with a girl about something pointless. It wasn't long before she had figured if she was supposed to get any information, she was going to have to get her hands a little dirty. She had read stories, heard gossip, seen pictures of bounty hunters; people who killed others for a profit, or some personal gain. She believed she was skilled enough to pull it off, and honestly, the concept didn't really scare her; at that point, she was wiling to do anything to get him back. After taking time to perfect a disguise and come up with some name for herself, Ryanna went back out into the world again, to the same suspect persons as she had before, asking for the same information. It was amazing how much people were willing to open up if you got someone out of their way for them...
However, recently, her views on the whole situation began to change. In a more recent job, she had very nearly killed one of her good friends, and a relatively innocent man... Even though she still wishes she got a non-fatal shot in him somewhere for his drug dealing. After that, things only seemed to go downhill, as apparently, while she was quickly in and out of town, the Abbess of Cantor was killed. Rumors say she was murdered, but Ryanna didn't care either way; she just seemed incredibly shaken by the event shortly after her return home. It didn't take long for her to return to her old self, though, as she knew she still had a very important goal in mind that she needed to take care of. She feels now that she's closer than she ever was to reaching it...
Current Story
Ryanna spends a little time thinking about why she took up Bounty hunting to begin with. She bottles a message to her brother and send it to the sea, in the hopes that, if e is out there, he receives it, and knows she hasn't stopped looking for him, and is still determined to bring him back home.
Since that point, Ryanna threw herself wholeheartedly into her work and search efforts for her brother. From information she received from the one bandit who was responsible for slipping her poison into Karmenies meal, she talked to Daniel about just how much they knew regarding her brothers kidnapping, and learned that Karmenie and others had kept the fact that they knew where the group responsible for his kidnapping was from hidden. After shaking him down for more about them, she turned her eyes fully to her search once again. She stopped home every now and then, to make sure everyone there was alright, but otherwise focused on her trips out of town, taking on larger and more dangerous hits, in part as a punishment to herself for failing Karmenie as well as trying harder than ever to see her brother safely back home in these troubling times.... (Also she was avoiding investigators looking for clues to the murder for Obvious Reasons)
One of Ryanna's favorite events to decorate the farm for! But also one of her least favorites because it's one of the few agreed upon days that her mother has her dress up and go out to act like the noble she is. She at least thought it'd be alright since she'd be out with new friends Tom and Gwen but... As fate would have it, they both disappeared on her (no doubt thanks to the later dragging the former off before he could say much).
After the Fall
Ryanna and her family do their part to look after and open their doors to displaced Northerner refugees, offering them many of their manors spare rooms (in exchange for them working on the farm and with the animals a bit, just so they can keep their hands and minds occupied).
Thanks to her little helper, Ryanna found it more important than ever that she put her own personal missions aside and go on the Leywood Expediti9on to help find the answers they needed to cure Nisalvini of its back thorn issue.... By far one of her less favorite adventures to go on, she was just glad to be done with it and fall into a bed once it was all over.
Not too eventful compared to the tumultuous spelunk through the Leywood just a month prior, Ryanna enjoyed the regular festivities with friends and family both... And was delighted to later receive a surprise birthday gift from Tom!! (she carries it around with her everywhere every chance she gets)
Despite the positive mood in the air from Harvest Eve and Tom's gift, Ryanna very quickly draws in on herself during Week of Kin--She comes out only for the Day of Charity really, but for the days that focus much on family still there and family lost, she keeps to herself in her room. She just couldn't, wouldn't accept how her parents mourned the loss of her brother as though he were dead every year this week rolled around, and instead focuses hard on what she can do to broaden her search and be sure she can bring him home. The only reason she lets someone in to keep her company this year is because he's already well aware of what it is she does with her life when she's not preoccupied with being the perfect stay-at-home daughter.
At the end of a rather eventful year, Ryanna drags her friends out of the house to go and take part in a time honored local tradition, sure to keep an eye on Gwen and keep her from getting closer to the large bonfire than she needs to be.
[spiderman points] BENJAMIN YOU'RE ACTUALLY ALIVE!??
But in all seriousness, Ryanna is encouraged to attend the event and have a good time by her parents! Especially since she seems to have been very frustrated recently by Tom and Gwen's sudden disappearance with nothing more than a sorry goodbye note left behind excusing them.. So headed on down to Estraude with Seth and a few other friends with the intention of having a good time, imagine her surprise when she finds the very friends that had disappeared without a proper explanation, and also evidence that her missing pronounced dead brother was actually very much alive and not too missing after all. Before she could question him, he ran off and disappeared, and Ryanna ended up leaving the Masquerade with more questions and frustrations than answers. But she at the very least knew that her years long search hadn't all been for naught, and now that she was closer than ever to finding him, she'd have to go full throttle into the agenda.
Since the whole family ended up being away from home on Spectre Day, there was no one there to take care of washing and praying over the stones of a tumbled watchman cairn on their property... So a Family friend who happens upon it several days later sets to work immediately, hoping it's not too late to ward off whatever bad luck the family will be hit by by not taking care of the fallen cairn...
Ryanna is in Koben for a very extended "business trip" of sorts. Positive that her brother must have been hiding away in the Empire this whole time rather than being stuck in a slavery system like she'd initially thought, she finds herself an apartment to operate out of there for the time being, taking on different hits and new contracts while asking for the same information: anything regarding a band of thieves known for travelling to the kingdom to collect potential slaves... It takes time, but she does finally manage to track him down, and in a most unexpected place: Linhythe's own Naval forces. She tried to convince him to return with her, but he tells her that he can't--not with those who kidnapped him in the first place still out and about. He knows they're still looking for him and will drag him back under them without a moment's hesitation, and believes for the time being he's safer in a group as large as the Navy. But Ryanna, knowing who was responsible for his strugglers to begin with, decides that if the only way he'll return home is with those bandits off his back, she'll find their hideaway and take them and their head boss out herself... She'd been meaning to repay him for tricking her into crafting the very poison that killed her nations beloved Abbess, after all.
Upon hearing word of King Giovan's passing, however, she cut her investigations short and returned to the Kingdom for his funeral... Only to find an old and very unwelcome face among the group of these mysterious White Oracles of Delverne. Fully believing she must be up to some form of no-good again, she chose to stay in the Kingdom again--mostly Cantor--and prepare for whatever Triss' reappearance meant for her home.
Sky Tide
After the hectic turning over of the new crown, an event as rare and whimsical and fun to spectate as this one was hard to pass up! (Of course she doesn't travel into the no-zone with the impossible-to-breathe air, btu she does watch all the fish in the sky from afar!)
She gladly helped investigations towards rooting out whoever their thieving traitor might be. Never trust a dark elf.... She is one of the more (unfortunately) aggressive ones during this.
She was glad to hear that the useful relics pointed a way towards helping Nisalvini in the end!! She was happy to hold onto the mysterious Brass Key picked up in the Leywood too, nice of them to let her keep it! She was less delighted to hear that the pretty Tapestry Map she and Gwen had found was destroyed--a little odd that that was the only thing destroyed, but such is life. (She was extremely displeased with Gwen's Dozen Pigeon message to her mourning the loss of the Tapestry though)
Seeing as how they have distant relatives/extended light-elf family in Nisalvini, Ryanna and her family put together many care packages for them and others once news of the vanquished Black Thorn Threat reaches the rest of the world. They plan a trip later, too, once those who had taken ill are recovered!
The Harvest
She stayed at home for once, sticking close with family and being mindful of the superstitions and traditions they had to follow to ward off any bad juju in the air.
Little Wizard Academia
Ryanna travels to Miras and the Academy to show her support for the struggling mages. Gwen may be annoying 90% of the time, but she's still a friend 100% of the time, after all!
Brother's Bounty
Ryannas family had been doing their best to see other less fortunate souls fed through the winter while still keeping themselves fed, but it was rough... And the lack of aid from Miras and Silvan had started to, at the very least, color Ryanna's previously shining perception of him. So when Delverne offers their aid, she is more than happy to welcome them again with open arms. What a good nation they, those Light Elves!
Soothsayer's Spring
Ryanna and her family are among the many to take part in the traditional first ten days in Beginnings, and so the Livestock and Yamben all get treated like veritable kings on their farm. They make family visits to Therras' shrines together as well, and Ryanna is even sure to go out deep into the fields by the forest to make sure that old prickly Ley Fawn friend of hers gets some pampering of its own too. Better to be safe than sorry, after all...!
[Friendship Ended with Light Elves now Wood Elves are my best friend]
What a slap in the face this invasion was...! To think that all of their offered kindness and peace was just a ploy to put her home back under their thumb again! Well, Ryanna certainly wasn't going to take it sitting down. She grabbed her guns, ready to fight--But then she spots that old Leywood key relic... After a moment of consideration, she takes it too, and she's glad she did. She may not have gotten to shoot many Delvans, but she could at least rest well knowing the doors she helped open for Cantors defense wouldn't let the Delvans through so easily.
Clarion Call
Once word comes up of potentially headed back into the Leywood to stop Delverne and whatever it was planning on doing in there, Ryanna is one of the first to sign her name up. She keeps herself busy with the preparations asked of her and others, wondering just what it was Delverne must be after all the way...
The time has come, at last. Time to plunge into the Leywood once again, and put a stop to Delvernes plans. She was glad to have friends by her side, and see other familiar faces throughout in other expeditioners. They had a steady, capable team at their sides. They could do this, they would do this--
And then they see the Ley Elk--no, Thraoneos. Therras' child... And before they can fully take it in, their allies--no, enemies in disguise, leapt forward, and cut it down. The air burst, Thraoneos screamed, and in the next instant, she was nearly drowning. She struggles, pulls herself to the shore, and after coughing up what definitely must've been a lungful of water... Ah, perfect targets to take out frustrations new and old on. She gets to her feet, and goes for her guns--no, the ammunition would all be wet. Instead, she goes for her daggers... She'd make this as slow and painful for them all as possible, then.
(She landed on Shackle Islands right by where her old "Boss" and head honcho of Ben's smuggling operation is hiding out talking to his croonies :^D She kills them all and then has to find her way back to Linhythe to 1) get medical attention for the several injuries she received herself in this 1 v like 20 fight, and 2) find Ben and tell him that there's nothing to worry about anymore and they can both head home now :^) )
Storm Tide
After spending a few months recovering in Linhythe and wondering how she might slip back home with her brother, the perfect opportunity comes up with the Storm Tide phenomenon. She finds them a daring crew of smugglers to ship away with, and after a very harrowing sail across the rough waters, they make port in Amedra, and can at last begin their trek back to Cantor...
Or at least, she would've liked it if they had a simple, easy trek back to Cantor. Unfortunately for her, however, after meeting up with her friends that were also teleported away by Thraoneos, they only made it as far as the Academy before all hell broke loose. Still, Ryanna was happy to aid in the defense of the Academy, and hurriedly sent Ben home to Cantor on his own while she stayed back to help. She could only hope he made it alright, as after the battle, she finds herself stuck in East Miras, and a brand new fugitive to West Miras--where Cantor happens to be.
Still, she tries to enjoy the bright side of things! Like enjoying the company of friends who escaped with her, and seeing what delights the Empire had to offer in trade--especially in mechanics; she'd always secretly admired their guns, after all... Maybe she could get a knick-knack for Tom?
Making the best of a bad situation, Ryanna and her friends journey to Koben to take part in the birthday festivities! Since she still has access to some (even if not all of) her best pampered Yamben, she wants to take part in the pet showings and competitions... Also, the place is rife with performers! And since she spies a familiar one among them, she decides to introduce her performer friend to him and his Troupe so that he may get some first-hand knowledge and exchange songs!! (And also to apologize to Blayne for causing a commotion in his home last time that almost got his family hurt because she saw Sarain and was ready to throw down immediately)
Sometime after all the fun, Ryanna's wondering how Tom has been all this while, wondering if he's been well, wondering if maybe while she was away from home he'd finally sent a letter or something from Estraude (since he hadn't all the time she was home after the Emerald Masquerade), and Gwen spills the beans (that she wasn't aware were meant to be beans) that she's known where Tom has been this whole time--and it's definitely not in Estraude. After grilling her for everything she knew, Ryanna (with Gwen in tow) storms right on back to Koben with all the wrath of a woman scorned to interrogate him on what the eff is wrong with him!!! After a lot of emotions are spilled and shared too, she decides he's been away from home long enough now and it's time to come back with her (while conveniently not telling him that his crush here isn't one-sided).
Of course, every time she tries to go home peacefully from the Empire, something always magically gets in the way. This time, it's the bleeding Citadel of Crowns from legends that deigns to block her way!! She'd be more annoyed, if Tom wasn't so delighted about getting the chance to explore... And she couldn't lie, his excitement was pretty infectious.
It's only after they escape the Citadel (and try not to worry about their cool new free of charge tattoos for leaving with sticky fingers) that Ryanna manages to slip through the borders between East and West Miras, making her way back home (With Tom and Gwen in tow to re-make them their residents moochers). And it is at home that she finally sees the first of many of the newly emerging Oriads... out in their own wheat fields, no less. She approaches him warily, but once it's clear that he's not a threat (or a curse) she and her family welcome him with more properly open arms.
Ryanna is getting real sick and tired of Delvernes shit :^D Of course the answer to her is clear: Help Cantor, and go and unearth then activate one of the many ancient totems laying across the land to grant them the power they need to quash the threat that is Delverne. She is joined by a friend, and together they activate their Totems, and wait with bated breath... And are just in time to see the raging, blazing fires rushing at them from across the way. Before they can even think to react, they are grabbed by their ancient golem saviors, and spirited away beneath the earth... She was catatonic for a bit, faced with a sight all too similar to one she saw in her youth, but one that took away so much more now than it did then. And then, she met other survivors--other friends, allies... And together now, they would do whatever it took to continue surviving. One thing was for certain now though: she had all but shed her distaste for Dark Elves, as Light Elves now very easily took that space in her heart for taking and destroying her home like they did. She would not forgive this so easily...
The fight for the right to survive begins. Ryanna is happy to take her mind off the catastrophe far above them and help explore Telurus' ruins with others, coming across old documents and antiques, strange symbols and plaques and emblems... And, most importantly, usable cloths and clothes that can be used to replace her and others' own battered gear. Something about Riag's gear just feels so... Natural, and right to wear. (revealing as it is but hey her mother had always been telling her that freckles are their families pride and there was no shame in showing all that off right)
Well, it was now or never...! Armed with new knowledge and gear, Ryanna sets out with her friends Tom and Gwen into the old, open (burning) air Ruins of Soloros to assist in searching for some way--through prayer or other means--to wake Therras and bring Him back to Alva once more.
Ryanna forgets that she is Iridus Favored and loses her chance to pray for a soft fall from one of Therras' roots and breaks Several Things and blacks out when she hits the ground. It's not fatal and can be healed, but she's down for the count and swears a colorful string of swears once she's awake and told that Therras isn't moving and they need Thraoneos to fix that. Once recovered she is ready and raring to go to assist in the descent into Telurea to find what clues they need to bring Thraoneos back...
[Most current]Sin and Sacrifice
After a very... Enlightening and emotional journey through Telurea and Riags remains, Ryanna was ready to go and Raze Delverne to the ground just as they had Cantor in order to bring Thraoneos back. Morals were a poor mans quality, and she gladly threw them aside for the sake of this quest--Make yourself look like an ally, returned to 'thE GreAt HOmeLanD of DElVErnE', ready to be welcomed 'In AurEa's lOVinG EmbrACe', and absolutely ready to stab them all in the back after making friends with them once they had what they came for. Of course, the level of destruction that actually befell the place was more than she expected it would be, but she gladly relished it all the same. The Delvans had the mercy of not needing to see the Cantish battered, bruised and depressed after their homeland was destroyed, so she wouldn't let the Cantish seeing the Delvans in that state make her any less happy. The only thing she's depressed about is being forgiven by and needing to say goodbye to Karmenie for real, and the loss of Alis... She would protect those silvery seeds with her life until they had the Margrave back, that they all might get to plant Karmenies farewell gift to them together.
Following this, after a meeting with the new, young Tharoneos, it's time to enter a battle with a wannabe goddess who stole the powers of another? Oh, how she did hate those taking from others what could never belong to them. So she entered the battle, ready to test the limits of that baetyl stone, and return the powers of the goddess who blessed her to their rightful owner. Of course, her brother tagged along, but she told him to stay on the ground and out of harm's way, since he still seemed to be feeling quite unsteady after the successful attack on Delverne. That's what she told him, and yet..............
This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening This can't be happening This can't be happening This can't be--
Additional Info
She's missing a tooth due to an unfortunate run-in with an upset Yamben, but has since then learned from the experience and can tame most angry bucking creatures.
She has her own Yamben mount that she has been very close with since his birth, named Timo (She calls him Titi tho)
She's got tons of freckles like everywhere, and has only recently become broud of/alright with showing them off (thanks Riag Gear)
Her hair is a nice even orange-brownish color, more orange than brown
Following the recent Death of the Late Abbess, she has a new general reluctance to continue her Bounty Hunting work, though it isn't quite known why. All that is known is that she was only still doing it to find her brother, and now that she has...
Following recent events where she got the chance to speak with Karmenie again (and by extension be forgiven for her hand in her Death that she'd been blaming herself for ever since it occured), she's dropped a lot of other morals and qualms about what they had to do to Delverne for Thraoneos. How Handy.
Lucas Benjamin Geist
Her very dear, long but not-so-lost-anymore brother. So many people wrote him off as dead for years, but she never gave up hope that they'd find him... And it paid off when she finally did find and bring him home. Years apart have done nothing to hamper how close they are, but the whole situation with Delverne definitely did. He's more closed off and distant from her than he has been, and she's not quite sure how to approach him on the matter... She's glad Nika can at least be there for him where she can't--But maybe she wasn't trying hard enough. Maybe she should've tried harder, maybe then he might not be--
Karmenie Valence
A role model, and like a second caretaker to her away from home, Karmenies tough loves and lessons were some of Ryannas favorite things about the woman. She knew what she did behind the scenes in the way of trying to get her brother back, and she always respected and deeply appreciated her for keeping the business under wraps... Even after learning that she'd kept the truth about her brothers kidnappers hidden from her and her family, she couldn't find it in herself to resent her--especially not since she heavily blamed herself for her death. After having the chance to see, spend time with and properly say goodbye to ger, Ryanna's been nothing but an emotional wreck, but she doesn't dare show that to anyone but her closest friends (and even then they have to force her to sit down and process, otherwise she simply acts like she's still fine).
Hani Ahn
One of her closest and best bros out there, Hani is her most chaotic childhood friend partner in crime. His and Nika's mom was close to theirs, so they spent a lot of their youth together, getting into all sorts of mischief together from then up until now. An inseparable dynamic and destructive duo.
Nika Ahn
Hani's older brother, and one of the voices of reasons to their shenanigans. Sometimes he makes her think about how she should take on a more gentle older sibling role like he does... But then figures that she has more fun being an absolute lunatic with Hani when they're all together. Since her brother's been back, she has seen how he and Nika look at one another and spend time together... She'd love to see them just hurry up and tell each other already, but understands they're both too soft and shy to do so (and so instead sets up as many opportunities as she can where they're alone with one another like the good nosey older sibling she is).
Auder Tolmin
Tom is one of the few people who knows what kind of wild double-life she was leading, and still lives to carry the secret (Though he very nearly didn't, which is a thought that comes very unbidden to her often whenever she thinks about how much of a hopeless crush she has on the hopeless little elf). He's been there for her through a lot, and she wishes he'd rely on and lean on her as much as she has him (though in his mind he somehow thinks he already has done more than enough of that???), but at the very least they're together for this wild ride that is the End of the World... (together in the literal sense and not romantic; the latter will come when she finds the nads to confess back to him like he already has her.)
Arlengwyn Aethril
Gwen to Ryanna is like a super annoying and difficult crossword that you get frustrated trying to figure out and deal with but can't bring yourself to let go of because you've become far too attached to it without being willing to admit that you have. All in all she's a friend, even if she wants to strangle Gwen half the time. She's grateful for her help in finding Tom and bringing him back home, and is glad she's found someone who can take all of her boundless energy and curiosity so she doesn't have to anymore (sorry Fen).
Elentiya Linden
Elentiya is a more recent friend, with their bond being forged stronger than ever after Cantor went up in flames and they got to see Karmenie again together after so many years. It was good--sad, but good--to find common ground with someone who'd loved Karmenie as much as she herself did, and from that common ground more similarities and bonds were found and formed. Thinks Elen could do with a good long break from the books every now and again, but understands that books and scrolls are just as much Elen's escape from reality as maintaining her guns is her own.
Kamon Intira
Kamon--or, as many like to call her, "Mee-maw--is a sweet older lady who used to look after her and her brother from time to time while they were kids. She was always the kind granny who had very tasty cookies and pies to share with some of the church youths! Ryanna shrivels up and dies anytime Meemaw deigns to remind her of how rambunctious she was as a child, though. She's one of few people she'd lay down her life to protect.
Seth Karlsson
Seth is a good friend and ally in that he too kind of had a secret second life he was trying to hide from public relations... Only he was the target rather than the chaser. After helping dispose of his ghosts, they became quite close, and Ryanna sees him as more of a little brother than anything, especially since he and her brother are around the same age.
Tyrsten Tyrstenssen
Oh she has a very love-hate-hate relationship with this man. First met as one of the Refugees from Valsk, their friendship developed into something akin to an obnoxious older brother bullying the younger sister for fun (with the younger sister getting jabs in on the brother every now and again), at least in Ryanna's eyes. She'd never admit it to anyone but she cares about and worries for him quite a bit, even if his countless 'let's eat the Yamben' "jokes" have become very, very old to her.
Javed Datuvahaya
One of the first Dark Elves (or well, half dark elf) she'd met outside of "work" since her brothers kidnapping. She was quite cold and rude to him at first for a good long time, but eventually warmed up to him just enough to stop being an asshole. It helped that he seemed to be on good terms with Tom (meaning if she wanted to continue being on good terms with Tom she had to at least make an effort with this guy). Has vaguely wondered how he's been since she hadn't seen him in Cantor for a while before they went under the dirt.
Asha Maradhras
A sweet girl, Ryanna had high hopes for her and what she'd do later in her life until she betrayed everyone working against Delverne by telling the Delvans of their infiltration plans and where their camp was. Now, she's more or less dead to her (Though she doesn't think she'd be able to hurt her the same way she wants to hurt her sister).
Sarain Maradhras
A legend in the Underworld turned Reality. She was quite scared of her at first, but eventually got over that and saw her as something of a friend until she betrayed Cantor and killed the Ley Elk and sided with Delverne. Now she's nothing more than someone else with a nice big target on her back.
Charis Galina
This girl.... She's never met someone more hotheaded than herself, and she's not quite sure how she likes it. But their banter (and brawls) at the very least are fun (Charis' teasing is a little less than fun though and the reason why 50% of their brawls start in the first place). She was glad to see her alive (even if not well) once those sunken in Nisalvini met those underground in Dorel.
Funky little golden man that grew (or was born???) from the wheat fields on her family's land. He's an odd character to get around, but he at least got on well enough from Vilma (he liked fires, and she could use her magic to help create and maintain as many controlled ones as he liked). She kept as best an eye on him as she could once they were all spirited away underground together.

Gueniévre Favreau
An interesting woman Ryanna chanced upon during a dreamwalk. She had all sorts of odd shapes floating about, but more than that, she had dream alcohol. A good chat was shared over the bottomless bottle.

Claretta Derosiars
A stern woman that Ryanna had the pleasure (?) of meeting in one of her dreamwalkign escapades, and then later in person under Cantor. She was somewhat offended at Clarettas shock when the light elf learned that she was in fact not the pre-teen girl she appeared as in their dream-meeting.

Eoghan Elwynne
A... Very interesting Man (and his mount) that Ryanna met (or saw, really) during one of her lucid dream happenings. He kind of.. Barreled through int he background a few times, and dever stayed long enough for her to talk to him. She wonders how this guy does in real life if that's how he gets cross in dreams...