Clotaire Lever


Basic Information
Clotaire Lever
Birth Date:
23rd Fire, 8272
(Ex-)Steward of Lutzelsee
Humans' Mindspeak
Aurea's Favour
Bitter tea, early mornings, reading, horseback riding, technology, music, singing (alone …unless?)
Commoners, nobles, sporting events, idleness, the ocean, swimming, sharing, being wrong, feeling useless
Intelligent | Determined | Ambitious | Decisive | Independent | Direct | Diligent
Prejudiced | Short-tempered | Distrustful | Bitter | Abrasive | Arrogant | Insecure
Clotaire was raised a perfect aristocratic young man: educated, independent, and disciplined. Servants constantly fawned over him in his childhood, feeding his arrogance and entitlement. Taught to make every decision with constancy and cunning, he excelled at almost everything and prepared tirelessly to inherit his family’s title. It only made their fall from grace hit Clotaire the hardest, leaving him feeling powerless in an unforgiving world. Unable to cope with his loss of status, he blindly idealized his childhood and searched for anything to blame his misfortunes on.
Clotaire is insufferably rude to anybody he doesn’t like. His deep-rooted prejudice against commoners and disdain for the nobles who left him behind make his social life rather miserable. Impatient and prideful, he tries to keep his distance from others unless obligated otherwise. Even so, once he becomes emotionally attached to someone, he finds it hard to let go. He is deeply afraid of abandonment and hates the idea of wanting somebody who spurns him in return. Despite his standoffish disposition, he is easily affected by the validation (or disapproval) of society. And although Clotaire is an austere young man, he is a young man nonetheless; he craves attention and action and retains an impulsive side.
The reveal of his family’s fradulent origins has disturbed his worldview profoundly. Immensely distrustful of others and insecure in his identity, he is desperate for answers—from the world and from himself, this time.
Born as the 15th heir to the Barony of Stratford, Clotaire Lever was raised in a manor slightly south of Koben. Although his parents paid little attention to him, his nursemaids and butlers lavishly entertained him in childhood. The same few highborn boys came to his parents’ parties and banquets, and it didn’t take long for them to become friends. As he grew older, he lost the time to feel bored or lonely. Clotaire’s education kept him increasingly busy as his tutors, surprised by his academic talent, set their expectations higher and higher. As difficult as his studies could be, he adored being told how much smarter he was than other children and how successful he would be.
When time came for him to choose a subject to specialize in, Clotaire gravitated towards healing to his parents’ praise (Such a humane, sophisticated talent!) (He’s not like other boys, he practices the restorative arts). He loved playing doctor in the infirmary because of the profuse compliments he received, and they only fueled his ambition to become the most eminent healer in the empire. He had always been the finest medic in his group of friends, and whenever he felt his position was threatened he redoubled his own efforts.
During adolescence, Clotaire studied all important matters ceaselessly in preparation for his ascent. His father had fallen ill not long before, and Clotaire expected to inherit the manor soon. However, when his father passed, his dreams of power were crushed before he could grasp them. Law enforcement appeared at the estate, pulled his mother aside for an angry, tearful argument, and from the next day forward, Lord Clotaire was a commoner.
Confused, furious, and devastated, Clotaire hardly spoke to his mother in their new house in Koben city. The first night he screamed at her, demanded to know what kind of a practical joke this was. She told him she didn’t know, but that they were no longer nobility and were not welcome back at the estate. If she insisted on withholding information, Clotaire would not spare any kindness with her.
His righteous throne snatched, Clotaire loathed his situation. Who dared displace him from his only home? He never deserved this—his entire world had been shattered. His servants and tutors were gone. The highborn boys he was once inseparable friends with wouldn’t even look his way. They had never spoken to him past the day his family name was supposedly tarnished. No matter many nights he spent praying this was all a terrible mistake, his nobility appeared to be lost for good and he could not ever accept that.
He spent the next few years searching for whatever answers he could find, to no avail. He needed somebody to blame, but with no clue about what transpired when his father died, Clotaire could do nothing. Leaving his mother soon after their fall from grace, Clotaire sought to save up enough coin to buy half his nobility back. Even though he was taught classical mending of the body and market theory, he didn’t know how to make money himself. And now he belonged nowhere. He had disdained the common folk for as long as he could remember, and they disdained him back.
All Clotaire can do now is reluctantly swallow his pride (sort of) and find work as a medic for hire. He can’t believe he has to swoop so low for coin in this lowborn shithole. He can’t believe he was so unjustly evicted in the first place! But if he can redeem himself through his work, perhaps it may be worth the time.
Current Story
After aiding in the rescue of Prince Sigmund at Shackle Isles, Clotaire was rewarded with a stewardship over a piece of ex-Schiltenbrandt land—the Barony of Lutzelsee. Finally, re-entry into noble society was within his grasp. But no longer the privileged heir, he did not find things as beautiful as he remembered. Perhaps it was his odious rival, Stefan Kandel, or Clotaire’s lack of charisma in sweet-talking allies. Perhaps, disturbingly, it was the years away.
In Rains 8294, Clotaire set off for Linhythe to aid in the Emperor’s search for Iridus. The shockwaves from Her awakening sent him plummeting to the ocean, and he was only saved from certain death by Klaus Zimmermann. While recovering from his injuries, he made the acquaintance of his sister, Elise. To ward off her father matching her with an Old Man, and to offer Clotaire allies and connections in court, they agreed to stage a courtship.
Unexpectedly, it began to blossom into something sweeter. However, a failed attempt to sabotage Stefan tarnished Clotaire's reputation—and with the death of Prince Sigmund, his chances of securing Lutzelsee plummeted. Even as their courtship fell apart publicly, they continued to write and meet in secret. But when Elise discovered the truth of his family and told him of her father’s involvement in their demise, Clotaire fought with her bitterly and left for Hangman's Cross in anger.
What Elise revealed about their family histories has devastated him, upturning many of the assumptions he’d built his perspective on. And the camaraderie he’s built with his commoner... acquaintances over the past few years forces certain beliefs into question. He enters the Six Circles hoping to fight for something else—anything else.
Additional Info
Has a habit of cursing
Is somewhat vain—he very much cares about fashion and how he presents himself
He took vocal lessons as a child but hasn’t sung much since his fall from grace. Bonding with Elise over their shared interest in music has since reintroduced him to singing for someone else (albeit slightly reluctantly). He sings tenor 😃
Has developed a fear of being submerged in water after nearly drowning during the initial Iridus quest

Armelle Lever
Mother. She was the first one he lashed out at when they lost their nobility, leading to their estrangement. He's since reconciled with her to some degree (they're on speaking terms now, at least). He strongly disapproves of her newfound ‘relationship' with a common gunsmith and at them having a young daughter together.

Nicholas Lever
Dead dad 😭 As a child, Clotaire nearly revered his father. He thought of him as the paragon of class and nobility, exalting his opinion and desperately wanting to meet his expectations. They had an awkward, distant relationship.

Liese Lever-Dreher
Half-sister. He resents the circumstances of her birth and looks down on her father. However, he's enjoys visiting her and bringing her gifts (to ingrain in her what things a noble girl ought to enjoy :hmph:
Elizabeth Zimmermann
Although initially indifferent to their arrangement, he came to find her company surprisingly… agreeable. Both children of disgraced families, they shared interests and experiences and he found himself becoming embarrassingly afflicted by sentiment. After learning that her father was responsible for his family’s fall from grace, he angrily departed for Hangman’s Cross. They could not reconcile even when she followed him there—but now that she has left, he is struck with a sort of conflicted longing.