Atticus Leland


Basic Information
Atticus Leland
Birth Date:
20 Seeds, Year of Coins (8266)
True Animal: Cormorant, Secret Animal: Bee
5'8" (173 cm)
Wood Elf
Oblate of Cantor Abbey
Cantor Abbey, The Telurean Watch, Carmena Nursery
Wood Blossoming
Therras' Favour
strong sunshine | growing plants | dancing and festivals | gardening | bedtime stories | animals | rough cloth | dirt | early mornings
cold weather and snow | harsh voices | being alone | tension and arguments of any degree | staying up late | immoral behavior | laziness
Dedicated | Empathetic | Outgoing | Trusting | Altruistic | People Pleasing | Insecure
Atticus is hardworking and devoted, pouring all of himself into serving Therras and protecting the remaining people of Cantor. Following Delverne's many betrayals and ultimately Aurea's final decimation of his home, he has lost much of the blind optimism and naiveté he used to possess. While he still considers all life to be precious, he is now willing to protect what he has left with violence should it come to it. Seeing it as an inevitability, he is now careful to stay armed at all times with a weapon as well as his healing supplies.
Despite the recent hardening he has gone through, Atticus is still a very friendly and outgoing person. He cares for the people and animals around him first, sacrificing his comfort and health for others at a moment's notice. Community is the most precious thing to his heart, and he is constantly seen interacting with and helping anyone he finds. He is still quick to trust, though with his time spent underground, has found new people few and far between. Regardless, he will instinctively work hard to please those around him, and is easily taken advantage of for this reason.
After his years of religious education at the Abbey as well as witnessing the miracles and protection Therras has given more recently, he believes completely in the goodness of Therras. Beyond protecting Cantor, Atticus sees raising and restoring Therras and Tharoneos as his ultimate calling. With every step he takes he keeps these goals in mind, and his single-minded fervor has made some around him uncomfortable. He tries to be considerate, but is easily swept up in passions when subjects relating to Cantor, Therras, Delverne, or Aurea are broached. With the circumstances as they are, there are few around him to help temper these feelings, and fewer still he would listen to.
The destruction of Cantor was, to Atticus, a personal failing. With it he broke his final promises to Tharoneos, and his lifelong feelings of inadequacy and uselessness ramped up in intensity. Since finding more surviving Cantish and a path forward for raising Therras and Tharoneos, he has been able to put some of this aside in order to focus on the task at hand. When confronted with the reality of what they must do -- invade Delverne, the heart of the enemy -- it is difficult for him to not be eclipsed by feelings of despair. His faith has become even more of a lifeline for him, buoying him from these dark thoughts. Whatever happens, he will revive Tharoneos, and he will protect Cantor.
Atticus grew up on the outskirts of Cantor Town. As a member of the Leland family, an old line of wood elves scattered across Cantor, he followed in the family business of healing and farming. He spent his early years gardening in the family’s patches of plants, caring for the animals they kept, and learning the basics of healing. His parents were always warm and supportive, and he hardly experienced any sadness in his early years.
When he celebrated his first decade, Atticus enrolled at the Abbey for formal magical healing and religion classes. He threw himself into the classes with vigor, eager to begin learning and helping others. He soon found out, however, that his skill for magics was somewhat lacking, especially in comparison with the rest of the family. While healers using earth magic were already slow compared to other types, Atticus was painfully so, and his control of the refinement process was shaky at best. The next ten years saw Atticus applying his lessons around the town as he struggled to gain practical experience, and within time he became well known in the nearby area, though more for his positive attitude and willingness to help than his abilities. Upon reaching his second decade, he joined the Abbey as an Oblate in order to get greater access to instruction and experience, and slowly he made progress. At the age of 25, he finally graduated to the rank of Shaman and gleefully set his sights on a brighter future.
When whispers of war began to drift into peaceful Cantor, Atticus dismissed them. There was no place for such violence in the peaceful world he knew. And for a while this seemed to be true; nothing happened for quite some time, and the tensions were focused on the coastal areas rather than the insulated Cantor interior. However, Atticus’ carefully constructed bubble was shattered when war finally broke out, and his parents left to Amedra to help heal in the wake of the strife.
Suddenly, even peaceful Cantor was thrown headfirst into the war, as healers were sent out to help in efforts across the Kingdom. Soon enough however, as repairs went underway in the damaged cities, the Abbey’s outreach work more or less came to an end and life settled down once again, if coloured by a new underlying tension. Atticus slipped easily back into the same routine of studying, and the rest of the Abbey seemed to as well.
Once again Atticus was reminded of the reality of the war when, barely a few months later, the Koben Empire seemed to attack the Northern Colonies out of nowhere, capturing them and sending a wave of refugees to Cantor’s shores. The Abbey immediately sent healing and support, and Atticus was quick to sign up to join in. It was here where he got his first glimpse of real suffering. Thousands of injured and grieving people, living in cramped camps cobbled together out of anything they could get their hands on. The war was suddenly a reality. Cantor itself was impacted by it, and he saw its effects firsthand. Finally Atticus was moved to become active, and he resolved to do what he could to help.
Once the expedition into the Wild Ley to find a cure for the plague-ridden Nisalvini was announced, Atticus immediately volunteered, certain that his knowledge of Cantor wildlife and connection to the land would be useful. Deep in the woods, Atticus encountered a parasitic plant, which took root without his noticing. After the expedition left without their prize and the Ley Elk sealed the forest, he feared that they had doomed Nisalvini, but these thoughts gradually faded as he went back to the busy Abbey life.
Nisialvini's situation soon worsened when the plague claimed its first lives. Determined now to do whatever he could to help after the failure of the expedition, Atticus journeyed there and spent eight long months battling the illness. At one point during the ordeal, he fell unconscious with a fever. The other healers assumed it was just the plague, until they discovered a strange plant-like growth rooted deep into his bones. Their attempts to remove the parasite resulted in a steep drop in vitals for Atticus, and eventually they concluded that it was permanent, whatever "it" was. Atticus should have been sent home then, but due to the risk of spreading the plague and his determination to stay, he was allowed to remain.
When the Leywood Relics were found and Nisalvini was finally cleansed, Atticus was immediately sent back to the Abbey to recuperate. He had become lethargic and sickly in the final months of his stay in Nisalvini, which was determined to be linked to his parasite. Further research into the records at the Abbey revealed old documentation linking the parasite to the Ley Wood, but failed to divulge a cure. Now, Atticus is slowly learning to live with his new limits, and the Abbey is keeping an eye out for new symptoms.
Current Story
Holy War
When the war finally reached Cantor, it came as a dagger in the back. Atticus was shocked by Delverne's betrayal and was heavily conflicted over their prophecy. How could Aurea order something so violent on her own believers? Choosing to put his feelings aside and protect his homeland, Atticus helped mislead the Delvans with a black thorn hoax and provide healing and support behind the lines of the battle. When a stalemate was finally struck, he discovered his home had been destroyed and was left listless, both physically and spiritually.
When Delverne finally broke through the Ley Elk's barrier into the Ley Wood, Atticus joined the expedition party in an effort to save his homeland and the deity that guarded it. On this journey he forged a deeper connection with Therras, seeing his finding of a Ley Antler Talisman as a sign that the god was watching over him, and that his path was true. The murder of Tharoneos and Rayne's betrayal shook him to the core, shattering everything he held dear and scattering the friends he had gathered during the expedition. His parasite progressed wildly in the wake of this, leaving him sickly and grieving. In the wake of extreme loss, however, a new sense of resolve rooted itself deep inside him. He would do everything in his power to realize Tharoneos' last wish; he believes it is his true purpose, and ordained by Therras himself.
Following the expedition into the Leywood and the explosion of virether across Miras, Atticus was sent to Estraude to recover in a more stable environment. He took on an apprenticeship with a local apothecary to learn as much as he could about the local fauna and medical practices, and acquired sealing tattoos across his body to try to combat his spreading parasite. He had a fateful encounter with Rayne and his allies on their return from their teleportations, leaving him even more assured of the righteousness of his path. With new hope for his future and more faith in Therras than ever, Atticus awaited his return home. When news of the Mirian split arrived, Atticus was more anxious than ever to come back and help at the Abbey, but was forced to bide his time for just a short while longer.
World's Wrath
When Nisalvini began to sink, Atticus was already in the area on a call for the Abbey. He immediately found a ship to the island and set about helping as many people to safety as he could. He ended up staying out too long and was nearly swept away under the waves, but was rescued by the glamoured Pristis crew by request of Kamon. Blissfully unaware of how close he was to Rayne, it wasn't until they made land that he put it all together. There was no time to be angry, however; he immediately threw himself into relief efforts and helped Kamon find refuge in his home. A week later, he was sent on the expedition to explore the Citadel. Rather than seeing it as an honour, Atticus thought that he was sent away because he was not useful enough and was getting in the way of the relief efforts. Stung and hopeless, he did what he could to complete his mission, but came back without any important relics. The mark that formed on the back of his right hand itched; a reminder of all his failures and shortcomings. His only form of solace was when a Ley Fawn showed up at his home while he was away. He was able to befriend it, and began calling it Poppy. She became a symbol of hope for Atticus: Therras was still watching over him, and loved him.
Playing Gods
As the fervor in Delverne swelled, so did Atticus' anguish. With each passing day he felt more betrayed by Aurea. These feelings came to a head when Delverne struck, attacking what remained of the beloved Tharoneos and plunging his home into smoke and fire. In the throes of disaster, Atticus was able to put aside his feelings and move to save his home-- he traveled to Southern Cantor to awaken a great totem in a desperate bid to save the land. His hopes swelled as it activated with the other totems and formed a protective barrier, raising with the towering forms of earthen golems come to save them. But with Delverne's final spell, Cantor was engulfed and fire and Atticus watched all he loved be consumed by flame before being spirited to safety by an earthen golem.
Following his narrow escape and the realization of the total destruction of the land above, along with countless missing souls lost to the fires, Atticus hit a point of total despair. His home, the Leywood, all his promises to Tharoneos-- burned to ash. For days he barely moved from where he first collapsed, unable to care for his own well being in the face of such calamity. It was only when voices were heard from the scrying crystals -- familiar, Cantish ones, as well as those thought to have been long drowned -- did he realize there was still something worth saving. Moving with the rest of the buried Cantish, he began investigating the ruins around them and searching for ways to connect them together. When the plants began to stir and breathe life into the dark, he knew Therras was here and keeping them safe. Cantor lived.
▌ Currently ▌
The last year or so of Atticus' life has felt like a building up of something immense. His connections to Therras and Tharoneos were revealed, his faith tested and bolstered, his life crumbled around him until the only way forward was following the path that emerged from the crushing dark. This feels like the culmination of everything he has been raised for, come into himself for, reached for, prayed for. He won't fail again. What feels like his destiny lays before him, and he is prepared to do whatever it takes to revive Tharoneos and protect what remains of Cantor. If that path leads to oblivion for him, it is worth the sacrifice.
Additional Info
- He has a playlist!
- He is inhabited by a parasitic plant. More info can be found here.
- He constantly smells of earth and plants, most distinctively cedar and rosemary. Most of this is from the herbs he has in his bag, but there’s always a residual scent from the parasite as well.
- His injuries scab over with moss and leave behind a faint green mark where a scar would be.
- With the progression of his parasite, he no longer wears wraps on his wrists and ankles. They do nothing to hide his condition anymore, and they were uncomfortable anyway.
- He replaced his old pumpkin apple charm necklace with the Ley Antler Talisman, though he still keeps his bracelet. It is functionally useless to him now, but it helps ground him and reminds him of what he wants to protect.
- He can ride a horse at full gallop while bareback, and often takes one of the two family horses out riding in the open country when they aren't being used by his parents for travel or delivery.
Born at his Grandmother's farm, Juniper was just a gangly little thing-- the wrong blood for a workhorse, and altogether too wild. But Attie was a gentle and patient soul, and while he faced failure after failure in his training, he saw in her a kindred spirit. Following Attie's horse girl arc, the two grew inseperably close. Despite the many treats she steals, she is unendingly loyal and protective of him. She is no warhorse, but she'll follow him anywhere despite it.
Kamon Intira
They first met in Nisalvini, as healers attempting to cure the plague. Though he clicked first with her husband, it wasn't long until she and Attie became friends. He spent a lot of time at their house, and Kamon taught him a lot about healing, especially Estran plants. Atticus was the first to tell her about Loukas' death. Since then they have been very close, and Attie has deep fears about losing her.
Loukas Iordanou
Also met in Nisalvini, Loukas quickly became a close friend and someone Attie looked up to for his healing strength. Secretly, Attie also compared himself to him. His death hit Attie very hard, and was part of what pushed his health over the edge until his parasite could reveal itself. Attie misses him dearly and still blames himself for his death.
Elentiya Linden
They met in the Cantor Abbey libraries while studying their own subjects. They quickly formed a bond, and even after Atticus no longer researched at the library, he would still drop by to chat, drop off gifts, and ensure Elen was taking care of herself. When he went to Estraude, Elen's parents taught him a lot about local healing practices. Now, the two share a unique bond as mirrors of each other. Divine and arcane, active and reactive, two halves of the same whole.
Boloma Intira
When Atticus had to leave the Kingdom to escape ether surges following Tharoneos' death, Kamon sent him to her sister, Bo. She put him up for the duration of his stay and allowed him the space to recover. She's much rougher than her sister, and is genuinely baffling to him at times, but he can tell she has a good heart, even if they don't exactly see eye to eye.
Kamlai Pusparna
The catalyst who helped him and Inis meet, Kamlai become a good friend and eventually helped Atticus obtain his sealing tattoos. After getting to know him and understand his affliction, she introduced him to her family and helped apply the seals. He is extremely grateful for her help and hopes to see her again to show off their success.
Ailbhennis Malaiynur
A shy but friendly person, Atticus came to really like them after a bit of an awkward start. They spent some time hanging out together while he was in Estraude; some of these times Attie ended up as their model, which was a new and somewhat scary development, but he came to treasure these times. Inis helped him to not hate his new appearance, and he is thankful for their friendship.
Upon returning home from Estraude, Attie found her demolishing his gardens. He earned her trust over time and filled his gardens with Jewel Peonies, her favourite snack. In a time of darkness and desperation, she was proof Therras was always by his side-- until suddenly, she became his little sister. Their time together in this form was brief, but it was so bright and warm. He loves and misses her so, so much. There will always be pies for you at home, Poppy.
Liam Maël Zelder
From the very start of their dreamwalking, Liam was condescending and abrasive. The light elf showed himself to be prideful and ignorant, cowering behind bankrupt ideals to absolve himself of guilt. Atticus wanted desperately to make him hurt and mourn even a fraction of what he has felt. If he ever sees Liam again it will be on sight 🔪 (except not because Attie is still, in his core, a pacifist)
Leith Aurélien Zelder
After running into him (literally) during the infiltration of Delverne, Atticus mistook him for his brother. Expecting a sour and fraught interaction, he was taken offguard by Leith's mild demeanor and politeness. Despite his flounderings and strange reactions, Atticus managed to skate past discovery due entirely to the fact that Leith was just too well-meaning to put the pieces together. Now that Leith activated Attie's Cantish Hospitality trap card, he's struggling to balance the figure he met in dreams with this one.