Adhara Atria Nashira


Basic Information
Adhara Atria Nashira
Birth Date:
Sky Oriad
promotional model
Sun, bright colours, alcohol, dance, shiny or intricate things, tiny things, tropical fruits
exclusion, sour things, uncleanliness, nuts, dreary weather
Adhara’s forthcoming about her opinions and welcomes others to challenge her on them. She plays into her naivety so that others will overlook her outspokenness.
She doesn’t consistently need to be the center of attention but enjoys it when others acknowledge her. She actively seeks out validation through praise and respect - anything to make her feel she has a worthwhile place in this world. While there is nothing here for her now, she believes she deserves that much. Receiving a lot of attention asserts this confidence herself, while being ignored shakes it. However, receiving attention as an outsider/non-person is quite undesirable. She likes to be acknowledged because she wants to feel belonging and camaraderie.
She used to sulk when feeling excluded, but now resolves to always focus on what she can do in the moment. Sulking only makes one more tangibly excluded. Instead, she’ll fake it until she makes it. She’s grown to apply this sentiment overall as well, to combat feeling powerless.
Adhara’s impatient, especially when it comes to learning new things. Now is especially hard for her because everything is new and unfamiliar. She hates not knowing what’s common knowledge to everyone else. She wants to be able to do things masterfully immediately; she wants to finish things immediately. She feels the need to hurry and be good at something, find what she is good at, some kind of purpose. The thought that she can’t be good at everything isn’t at all satisfying; she is good for nothing if she isn’t good at everything.
However, she doesn’t want others to notice her efforts…not as long as she’s an outsider. Instead, she deliberately leans into her ignorance or downplays her knowledge of things, while acting as charming and friendly as possible in order to maintain people’s good will and trust (or underestimation) towards her. If provoked by another oriad, she talks a big game and often overestimates her own capabilities, or believes she’ll somehow be able to perform up to expectations when the pressure to do well is there. She wants to seem reliable and capable to her kin, at least.
Her ignorant and bold exterior can fool others into thinking she lacks sentiment. Rather, she is extremely sentimental, and will cling onto things with emotional value, object or otherwise. Currently, she clings to any sense of belonging to something in the present, so that the past cannot reclaim her if it ever returns. Despite her courage, she has some fears - the fear of what she will remember, fear of what she is, and fear of what the people of Alva will do with her. If she regains her memories, she might lack the capacity to move on and ground herself in the current world. Why let the past haunt her if she can’t return to it? Before that happens, she hopes to define herself with a clear identity and purpose. And yet, she can’t stay away from the pieces that call to her…
Oriad. The first and only semblance of a word Atria muttered upon waking in a desert oasis in use by travelers. Witnesses took to calling her that and those around her had no idea what to make of her - she wasn’t hostile, but there was a clear communication barrier. Trying to understand each other was difficult at first, and progress was slow at the start because of Atria’s sleeping habits. Atria, lost, confused, and surrounded by strangers she couldn’t understand - felt utterly vulnerable and alone. She desperately wanted to understand - and soon enough, she was understanding, to the amazement of those around her. Perhaps Atria could do anything if she really tried - no one yet knew what she was capable of, after all. And that is precisely why, despite her eagerness to participate in the community, there is still an underlying wariness among some who approach her. As she learns the language and the ways of the people around her, she senses a growing unrest in herself, and in those around her: the reason for the oriads' existence, what unspoken powers they hold... and where their allegiances ultimately lie.
Current Story
Coins 8294
Atria's unease is only further validated as she learns the fates of other oriads elsewhere. Perhaps, if she had looked less than a person, or if she was unsightly, she could have been killed as well, or less welcomed. As things stand, she has no known skills or abilities. She is utterly powerless to protect herself...and yet that may very well be what is keeping her in the good graces of the citizens of Tusa right now. She quickly concludes she'll be in a much better position the more she can get people to see she is a person like them - no, a Tusar like them. She will lean into her pretty face, dress in whatever they put on her, and play into her naive image with as much amiability as possible.
Dynasty - Atria joins the rallies in Tusa, to participate in collective Tusar sentiment. She meets Ponzi
It doesn't take long for Atria to become popular for promoting local goods by wearing them around, as she naturally attracts attention wherever she goes. She helps set trends and boost local business, all while getting to feel the joy of being a part of something. At the same time, there is still an underlying acknowledgement that she isn't like other people. Maybe, she will never be able to bridge the gap...
Playing Gods - when she first came into the world, it was already in a tangled web. Now things are escalating still, and she feels ever more that she walked onto a stage halfway thru the third act. This isn't her world, and she will never be one of its people... And yet, she has to live in it. Worse still is wondering what she is in the wake of all the developments. What is she really capable of? And will the people of Alva react more suspiciously to oriads because of all this...?
Shadow of Atros - Another oriad, Vesperian, arrives in Tusa as a Red Torc. Especially with Vesper being of the sky like her, Nashira feels extreme kinship and is happy to feel like just another person rather than an outsider around someone for once. The two are fast friends.
War of Ancients - With the Citidel being a free for all, Vesper and Atria make the spontaneous decision to go and see it. World events rock the landscape, they lose their way and sightsee Atros; and both oriads find memories calling to them.
Paths 8295
Beginning of the End - [Memory Quest:] results pending
The two end up in Linhythe, and decide to join the Iridus quest instead. ("I didn't realize how far the Citadel was...")
Sin & Sacrifice - in progress.
Additional Info
Everyone else seemed to have multiple names so she wanted them too, but she doesn’t quite understand how it works and thus accepts being called any combination of the names
Hates feeling left out/will participate in things just to feel included, or else she’ll sulk about it
In particular, few places in alva are structured with enough space to fit her inside - it feels like a world that doesn’t want her in it.
Most of the things she owns, especially clothes, are made for her to wear in order to promote business. While she does this for the strategic benefit of assimilating into the local culture to shed her outsider status, she also personally enjoys feeling like one of the Tusars. She definitely exaggerates her sense of nationalism though.
She enjoys being seen as beautiful and being able to wear beautiful things, but she could live without them if these things weren't being used to help her seem valuable and charming. It just so happens to align with her personal tastes and interests.
She constantly seeks something to do during waking hours. Everyone else is awake for at least 16 hours of the day - the world around her moves so fast she can hardly keep up. She feels like she’ll fall behind if she isn’t trying to be just as productive with the little time she has awake.