Elizabeth Zimmermann

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Elizabeth Zimmermann
17th October, 8273
5'5" | 165
Koben Imperial Court
Fashion | Jewelry | Flowers | Gifts | Embroidery | Piano Music | Romance Novels | Dancing | Sailors
Baked Goods (for their caloric content, not their flavor) | Tall Heights | Cards | Barn Animals | Being Left Behind | Her Father |
Curious | Reserved | Fun-Loving | Impulsive | Proud | Escapist | Insecure | Irresponsible | Moody |
- Sobered by troubling times and hard consequences, Elise has matured such that she finally manages to exude (on the surface) the grace and poise her childish nature had always undermined in the past.
- Though she was once someone who hated being idle, she spends a great deal of her days now doing very little, subdued into complacency under a string of upsets that have shaken her deeply. When she feels up for it, she will often seeks out new opportunities to learn new things, but dislikes the spotlight and no longer puts in the effort to be number one at anything.
- Highly capable, Elise learns quickly and is able to get things done with efficiency. But her unpredictable moods makes her unreliable, and she often flaunts her duties based on her present emotions.
- She was once very proud, but in light of successive damage to her ego, this pride has made her extremely insecure. Every comment has begun to seem like a veiled attack, and so she does her best to keep unfamiliar people at arms length so she's less likely to be hurt by throwaway remarks.
- She is easily annoyed and frustrated-- her fiery temper is more restrained now, but whether this is due to her being more adept at resolving it or whether she's gotten better at bottling it up remains to be seen.
- Elise doesn't always think deeply before making decisions-- often jumping headfirst into things and facing the consequences later. Even after being burned by this habit, she tries to avoid thinking about what ifs. In fact, she has become more likely to do impulsive things-- having begun to develop a slight devil-may-care attitude.
- She is quite reserved and rarely expresses herself in the same straightforward manner that she once did. In the company of other nobles, she prefers not to speak at all if she can help it, while in the company of commoners and servants she is careful not to reveal how much recent events have affected her. She is guarded and cynical, even more so after the string of people who have wordlessly left her behind.
Zimmermann History: Old money and time-tested lands are the trademarks of Edelstein, the crystal mining lands on the east of the Crown Ridge and the estate that has long been under the jurisdiction of the Zimmermann family. But with his wife heavy with triplets, it was clear that this was no place to raise a family- and relocating them to their country lodge south of the Sarl River, Wolfric thus took a backseat in his children's lives, electing to stay in the city. They had more contact with their mother, who stayed in the country with her children for a few years to recover from the difficult ordeal and delivery. But eventually longing for the city life, she departed from the house and left the children to the care of servants, their harried governess, and the lord of the land, their uncle the Marquess of Alden. (Mostly) Peaceful days continued, with each child extensively prepped for their future lives. But the death of the crown prince Fabian presented itself to Wolfric as an opportunity to increase his political edge, and he summoned all three of his children to live in the city with him and their mother with the intention of introducing them at last to court life.
Elise's History: The youngest daughter of the Marquess of Edelstein, Elise grew up far away from her father’s lands in their country house on the Sarl River with her two siblings Klaus and Vienna. Here she led a life filled with fun and love, every day filled with fond memories amongst the fair weather and along the riverside. Insulated from the troubles of the world, Elise spent most of her life largely unconcerned with the affairs of the empire, and instead focused her attentions on matters in the household. All the matters that her mother would normally attend to began to be of great interest to her- and she spent many evenings accompanying her brother Klaus in persevering through his studies. (Of which she was considerably more eager to partake in than he was.) Accustomed to being in charge, Elise grew into a domineering perfectionist, drilling herself to be both accomplished and capable. Eager to show off her skills, she was ecstatic at the news that her parents were finally bringing them to court in Koben City- and while she had many fond memories of the countryside, she was ready to mingle and learn all the latest fashions. The hustle and bustle of the city suited her perfectly, and she found fast friends in the girls her age-- in willing middle aged women who loved a good gossip, and in the glittering upper crust of the city.
Current Story
With the execution of her beloved uncle, Egon Schiltenbrandt who was the Marquess of Edelstein, the subsequent disgrace of her family, and a humiliating relationship with the crown prince, she has become disillusioned with the upper echelons of society. Though she once endeavored to fit in, she has embraced the othering of her and her family, and now prefers to be true to her own tastes. Ignoring the nobility in the same way that they have abandoned her, she spends most of her time not spent in melancholy reverie troubling her commoner friends and servants to teach her new things.
A budding romance with Clotaire Lever seemed to brighten her spirits for a time, as she found that they had a great deal in common despite their original alliance being politically motivated. However, the untimely revelation of her father's involvement in his family's fall from nobility soured their relationship, and Clotaire departed for the quest at Hangman's Cross in indignance. Unwilling to part with him on such bitter terms, she chased after him as far as the mouth of the Cross against her family's wishes-- but he was not yet ready to speak with her. He entered, and Elise waited at the campsite intent on cornering him afterwards, but Klaus came to collect her, and Elise was taken back to Koben City to face the consequences of disobeying and embarrassing her family by her presence at the illegal quest without meeting Clotaire again.
Additional Info
- She gains weight quite easily, but has had very little appetite as of late, which has been a blessing in disguise for her eternal diet.
- Shares a pet Cochonette named "Bacon" with her siblings. Though Bacon lives with Vienna and she sees him less often than she used to, a great deal of her skill in embroidery is due to making him fancy bonnets.
- She frequently visited her brother Klaus in Linhythe, but may no longer be allowed these trips after going to Hangman's Cross.
Klaus Zimmermann
Her elder brother, as children they were a constant in each others' lives. This constancy however, quickly became constant bickering-- and thus they fell into the habit of arguing over literally everything and anything. Despite this, Elise is extremely confident in their sibling bond and thinks of their arguments as merely a means of entertainment. Though she is constantly nagging at him, she ultimately forgives every transgression he makes, and is often less unwilling to be dragged into his antics than she likes to believe herself to be. She was despondent when he enlisted in the navy, but has since come to enjoy the company of his fellow sailors, and Linhythe in general. She is grateful to him for all he does for her, but is sometimes at odds with the way he does it.
Vienna Zimmermann
Her elder sister. She endeavors to emulate Vienna's calm and steady nature to cope with the tumult in her life, but often in vain. Through Elise's heartbreak and Vienna's scheming plots, they're closer than ever, and Elise values her over all other female companions. Secrets she keeps hidden from Klaus tend to be entrusted Vienna.
Sigmund Roenach
The former crown prince. She teased him in their childhood, but was nonetheless brought to Koben City by her father in the hopes of inspiring an attraction with either herself or Vienna. She eventually changed her poor opinion of him when he demonstrated extraodinary kindness and a penchant for thoughtfulness-- but her attraction ended as a disastrously short-lived rebound. While her heart was wounded, it was her pride that was shred to bits by his rejection and her father's subsequent reaction to her failure in charming him. His sudden (staged) death is a shock to her, and she is currently very sorry for leaving so much unresolved between them now that things have come to such a tragic end.
Clotaire Lever
Though originally meant to be a fill-in to prevent her father from arranging any marriages with less desirous partners, Elise found great comfort in their similar experiences in disgraced families. Their false courtship started to have more serious intentions, but they were banned from seeing each other when Clotaire damaged his reputation by offending her uncle. Though they continued to meet in secret, a rift formed between them when the truth of Clotaire's background came to light. She's currently waiting for him to return from the mission at Hangman's Cross but her confidence in his continued affections for her wanes and waxes.
Luciana Kaspar
A former friend, their relationship was strained when Luciana was reluctant to interact or stick up for the Zimmermanns after their disgrace. It was damaged beyond repair when Sigmund chose her over Elise, and Elise takes great pains to avoid her, even more so now that he is dead and she is crown princess. She privately does not support Luciana's claim to her new title, and also doesn't like her family in general.
Daelan Voegelin
Once a detested enemy, Elise hated him for being engaged to her sister in a loveless arrangement. Seeing him as an apathetic, spineless creature who was dashing all hopes of Vienna's happiness and his family as opportunists taking advantage of her family's situation, she treated him so contemptibly as to trigger and argument between her and her sister. She hated him more for his sister choosing him over herself, but eventually has come to appreciate his gentle and non-confrontational nature. His passionate confrontation with the new Empress upon Sigmund's death have earned him her respect, and her treatment of him has improved accordingly.