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Ailbhennis Malaiynur

Ailbhennis Malaiynur
Resident City
Home City


Basic Information


Ailbhennis Malaiynur





Birth Date:

29th Thawing, 8106


5'1 (155 cm)




Wood/Dark Elf




Goldsmith, Artificer



Dark Blossoming

Therras' Favour


Red meat, colourful baubles, painting pet portraits


Big Bugs


Eager| Doting | Cooperative | Shy | Awkward | Obtuse | Ruminant 

At a glance Inis is a bumbling dolt– short, gangly, and stuttering with a perpetual hesitance about their demeanor. And that is most certainly a good half of them; the other half, while upfront reserved and evasive they pay a keen ear to others' wishes, with mindful hands they work to deliver what is asked of them. But they process things slowly, be it flavours or questions or sensitive situations. Without time to fully understand they panic– and Inis can often be so perplexed that even they wouldn't deny they live a measure well behind other elves, let alone humans.

While this odd elf is hardly one to do well in interactions or dire circumstances, what they excel at lies not in eloquence, or shrewdness, or remarkable physical feats – but in an objective consideration and quiet willingness to provide for the sake of others.


Ailbhennis grew up amidst the Malaiynur family of jewellers and goldsmiths, a wood elven Estran family well-connected to fellow artisans of their State. Such a comfortable living should have fostered in them confidence and creativity, but the onset of adolescence made offhand furtive frowns louder than they were, and an odd-hued, racial self-consciousness swept away whatever ignorant bliss Inis enjoyed prior. Never one to inherit mother's silver tongue nor their dark elven father's gilded smiles, the young elf took to crafting for expression instead, making their presence scarce with apprenticeships.

A change of pace came along in their 50th year, when mother Karlena arranged a family-business trip to celebrate and visit her travelling husband. On this first time out-of-state, Inis learned well how colourful both art and the world was, prejudice and customs alike – but the experience was welcome, and from Empire coasts to Kingdom shores they painted their time abroad. So swept up in novelty, they stayed in bustling Amedra to study... until they returned home defeated and timid from their social ineptitudes, relying on family connections afterwards to get anywhere with their work.

Vox [130's-180's]

Yet all threads mingle, however efficient or drawn, opening doors to different trades.

A company acquaintance with a penchant for writing and collections, the old master left the hands-on finesse of crafting to his apprentices while he took up academic aspects. Seeing himself in the runty Inis, Master Esiwold introduced them to his guild corner and what his profession could otherwise provide.

As if rediscovering the arts with a different lens, Inis latched on to the guild's notions so unlike their family's expectations. This history, this imprint, this sort of art left for the future... documentation they could do too with diligence, and it didn't involve agonising over marketing or commissions failing expectations.

Such motives encouraged Inis to visit their father abroad more, expanding horizons. Perhaps what fascinated them most about the world was how many paces there were to live by, and how stories carried on so fleeting compared to their Estran home.

Current Story

Though far removed from the conflict of other continents, the recent neutrality of the Estran State concerned Inis when communications with the Empire – and their father – became scarce.

And as political landscapes shifted rapidly in war fronts, the tolls such distant news could take on a psyche struck close to home, witnessing their mother's frantic plans to find her missing husband. Dissuading her to remain in Estraude and out of warring territories, but hapless when it came to travel themself, Inis practised magic with a gentle fervour in the hopes of being useful beyond art.

Worry was no stranger to them; they incessantly, needlessly worried about most anything and everything on a daily basis. But the dawning realisation that resolution might not ever come home– one year was not a long time, but what if it became infinite?– and the fact that others were moving on so fast was something they struggled with for the better of the new year.

With resolve to take action of some sort, Inis followed a young friend into the 8294 Viyanaru cave expedition to keep her safe. Instead they wound up confirming all that they lacked – but more what they still had yet to lose. Dreaming strange visions of another time and grappling with the new state of their world, they hope to record all that they can of these days, amid strange mysteries of distant pasts and inexplicable magics... and see them through to the future for those who could not.

Additional Info
  • Blossoming characteristics: black sclera, nails and spotted tongue. Covered with glamours.

  • [ stash refs ]

  • Beginner Wizard [30/30]: Light magic size 5 | spd 3 | ctr 12 | pw 4 | stm 6

  • Prone to stammering and thinking faster than they can speak. Big on gestures, writing or drawing their intent instead. 

  • They've learned a bit of Estran Sign Language as a result, though tend to resort to the clarity of written word first for those they're less familiar around.

  • Ailbhennis is pronounced as 'alv-ennis' and resulted from parents unable to settle on a name. They'll introduce themself as 'Inis' !

  • Headdresses are self-crafted, enchanted with glamours from mother or their own artificing.

  • Inis used their light magic most for subtle parts of smithing processes and minor conveniences. With recent affairs, they've practised applications outside of artificing, but are mainly a noncombatant.

  • Tattoos on hands and forearms help spell-casting, courtesy of the Pusparnas [  hand & arm tatts by kishi ]

  • Adopted a goldfish named Bubbles.

  • Birthday: 29th Thawing, Year of Coins (8106); Cervos the Stag [March 29]

  • Day 15 of the Month of the Falcon, Year of the Incandescent Amber Cat; True Animal: Horse ; Secret Animal: Cormorant

Relations (family & NPCs)

Karlena Malaiynur [mother]

Mother and enchanter.  She wanted to be a travelling actress rather than a jeweller when she was younger. In the end she abandoned that dream when she met Dominiel and fell into an unlikely but time-tested relationship; she saw value in giving her child a stabler foundation. Extroverted, subtly protective and gifted with a charm all performers ought to have–that unfortunately her kid never picked up from her.

Dominiel Oileán [father]

Father and cleric.  A dark elf from Iadlain who opted to see the world and service his abilities in his own way. Estranged for his wife, he went to great lengths to avoid his family whenever he returned to his hometown. Also very extroverted, also very easy-going if a rarer influence in Inis' life. Good handler of money; if he weren't so pure-intentioned he could have been a suspect swindler with that look of his... unless he actually is. Inis doesn't know.

Master Esiwold Nam [Vox mentor]

Wizard and goldsmith whose property doubles as a safehouse for fellow Vox. Passing on his knowledge of smithing and artificer techniques, he teaches and provides the members with imbued crafts, checking the validity of historical items or techniques brought before him.



Aalok Dalal

Growing up together in the great network of Artisans and Aunties, Inis would have no idea that little Ammar would one day become Estraude's latest Consul.  As they'd parted ways in study and travel early on, Inis now knows him as someone a fair bit different from childhood in more than name... yet behind the politics and his charms, they feel Aalok is still the same in some ways, especially when it comes to escaping auntie gossips and hovering nurses!

Divyan Valerya

Inis came to know Divyan through his affections for an artisan colleague of theirs. In their own way, they earnestly tried to help the budding romance along...  Ever since, Inis has regarded him as something of a big brother, despite them being the elder — knowledgeable, charming, and dependably collected as he is! And as fellow dark-mixed wood elves, they find in him a kinship that they can't quite articulate at times to others.

Kamlai Pusparna

Despite the generation gap, Inis became rather attached to young Kamlai as an artist friend and for her spunky personality that embodied all of what they aren't. And after coming under Aalok's mentorship, Kamlai's gathered her priorities in a way that leaves Inis in wonder at how quickly she is growing up. With frequent tea times and hang outs to whittle away the time over art, Inis finds themself motivated to do the same for themself... somehow!

Karan Avasarala

While Inis hadn't come to know Karan better until recent times given his lengthy travels and involvement in the Wreath, they were acquainted through his artisan family and younger sister, the sweet Malaika!
They would have loved to meet him proper with a little less awkwardness on their end... but they see in him a kind heart despite his snappy and assertive ways.

Atticus Leland

A young wood elf that caught Inis' eye much like how he catches everyone's. Fascinated by the plant growth woven within his features, Inis dawdled before working up the nerve (with Kamlai's help) to talk to him at last. He had a busy schedule, but still made time for art and company, much to Inis' gratitude and appreciation.

In these difficult current times, Inis can only hope he is doing well... strange dreams aside!

Boloma Intira

A famed name as an art connoisseur and innkeeper both, Inis still can’t help but feel like a little kid whenever they’re around Bo…

After the expedition to the caves and the ensuing investigations, Inis has come to see Bo with both a deeper layer of respect— and a touch of fear for how she wields daggers with ease! 😲


The sweet little coconut man that set their hair on fire. 

He's still very cute, regardless. They'd like to paint his portrait sometime!

Edrik Mehtar

Met in recent decades, the Vox guildmember took Inis by surprise when he showed up on their doorstep with a mysterious locket to crack...   Since then, they've come to know him as a rather long-winded but studious sort, with a thirst for knowledge they too wish they could muster. During Estraude's recent investigations, they could only imagine how much more capable Edrik would've been at unearthing the tragic truths at hand.

Virsche Champfleur

Through an awkward meeting befitting two socially stunted introverts, Inis came to know Virsche over time through art sessions in the neighbourhood and sharing their interests in crafts. Though aware she came from a vastly different background as an expatriot of standing, all the same they were still sad to see her finally head home after the Masquerade. Like all their friends separated by sea, they hope she's doing well...!

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