Turning Fortunes
24 Nov - 5 Dec 2015
The troubles of Tusa and Iadlain, although they may seem far away, ripple throughout the Empire. Following the failure to resolve the trade issue in Iadlain, the supply of alchemical materials within the Empire dries up drastically. In response, prices for anything alchemy-related – whether it is the material itself or a mechanism run by it – soar to near impossible levels for many. Government and military supplies are prioritised, leaving private users to the mercy of the market. As airship travel becomes increasingly expensive, trade along the airship routes does too, and the costs are passed along to all – everywhere across the Empire, prices rise and the economy staggers.
Land and water routes come under heavy demand. For some, it is a revival – sea trade between Song-Lu and Linhythe pick up vigorously, further helping to speed along the latter’s recovery – while for others, it is a struggle to cope.
It is not just transport troubles that slow Tusa's trade to a crawl, however. New bitterness towards Koben breaks out into constant violence on the streets, as people rail against the government. There is no peace in everyday life – anyone and anything associated with Koben is targeted and the region becomes both increasingly unsafe and inaccessible.
Features: Higher costs of living, grounded airships, travel difficulty, less alchemical items, lively docks and improvement in Linhythe, everyday violence and destruction of Koben-related property in Tusa