Kairi Xin


Basic Information
Kairi Xin
Carina Vinterlund (birthname)
Birth Date:
14th Fire, Year of Paths 8263 (Carta the Scroll)
6’ (180cm)
Sniper (Sight Stitch)
Peacekeeper (Mentor to Tian)
Song-Lu Peacekeepers
Aurea's Favour
Green, doting on others, tea, floral sake, duck hunting, Songluan tea snacks, onsen, cats
Saccharine foods, being indebted to others, lost contacts, others touching her guns
Doting // Protective // Reliable // Jolly // Overthinking // Frank // Modest // Dutiful
Kairi has a strong sense of responsibility and sees herself as a guardian figure both in her personal and professional lives. Her desire to help others has served her well in her line of work, but she is prone to becoming personally involved in things that she needs to keep at arm’s length. She is afraid of experiencing grave loss again and her efforts to prevent this (for both herself and others) can come off as overbearing and intrusive to those unacquainted with her energy.
She is a person of the moment, often seen enjoying herself in the company of friends and encouraging good vibes. This is her way of coping in the face of stress, allowing herself and others a moment to unwind before diving back into the dilemma at hand. Doing something now means she won’t regret it later when the opportunity is gone forever.
She is upfront about disagreements with others, preferring to be open and direct about it rather than letting it slide or fester. She values communication and will be honest with others if they would benefit from hearing it.
Kairi is the type of person to lie awake at night and think about that cringe thing she did when she was 14, or how she should’ve handled that talk with the shrine custodian the day before because she felt a Look from them. Having lost everything before, she wishes never to repeat her mistakes, distantly past and more recent (even if in reality, there was not much she could have done differently). She is often analysing the past so she can do better in the future, believing she owes it to her loved ones to be steadfast and strong. There is always something she could have done better, and finds little reason to boast about her achievements and the like.
Kairi was born to an abusive Linhian man who often took his anger out on his wife and daughter. She was scarred fighting her father to let her mother leave the marriage. Unable to help her break away, she moved back to her mother’s homeland of Song-Lu to start a new life. Years later, she was delighted to be eligible for the Peacekeepers and signed up immediately.
Or at least, that is what people are supposed to know...
Kairi— no, Carina, was born a Vinterlund. It was not very well known at the time, that her uncle was the head of a generations long black market arms business. Carina’s mother had escaped responsibility over the family trade solely by being the second child. The small family led a comfortable lifestyle, living off the spoils of her uncle’s work but never having to get their hands dirty themselves. Her mother wished for it to stay that way, but fate had other plans.
Then, came the letter. She was only 8 at the time, not quite understanding what happened and why her mother was suddenly announcing that she would soon have a little sibling to look after. A few months after her 9th birthday, Carina greeted her little brother Sjür - though most would now better know him as Seth - for the first time. And her world changed.
She loved her little brother very much, growing protective of him, having now been made aware of the kind of world she lived in. It was a dangerous world, and her mother encouraged her to work with Seth to end the family business. It was never Carina, nor her mother’s desire to continue it. She would strive for a world where Seth could live of his own accord.
When she was 19, the rival of a main client made himself known - starting by destroying the Vinterlunds. Carina rushed her brother to the estate’s back rooms, though they were soon found as the mercenaries systematically went through the house to burn everything. When they lit him up first, Carina instinctively picked up her screaming brother and ran.
She threw him into the snow, not before she caught some of the flames herself. She fought her attackers instead as Seth ran away, before she managed to make her own escape as well. Both were presumed dead in the wilds soon after.
She was found by one of the nomadic people groups passing through at the time, who took her to town after some basic healing. Once she was well enough she decided to leave the North and took the first ship out of Belport. All the way, she tried to take her mind off Seth. He was probably dead, and she had failed as his big sister.
Carina did not quite expect to land in Song Lu, but the more she looked around, the more it distracted her from Seth’s death, and the culture shock started to bother her less. Her blonde hair made her stick out like a sore thumb, but it was precisely because of it that she made friends with a local girl. A budding alchemist, like her uncle, Carina was told.
She thought she would stay in Song Lu until things blew over back home, but over time she grew to enjoy life in this foreign city. After living with the alchemist and his niece for a few months, she decided to stay. Carina changed her name and look, to blend in with the locals. She had found an interest in firearms that passed through the alchemist’s shop, and took up sharp shooting and tinkering as a hobby.
After a few years she was still growing restless outside of working for him. Wanting to lighten the burden of living with them she decided to join the Peacekeepers for financial support and to get her itching hands to do something.
Her full Peacekeeper status was granted in 8292, and Kairi continues to serve Song-Lu as a skilled investigator alongside her peers, wondering if and when her past will ever catch up to her.
Current Story
She became wary of how deep the conflict was, having witnessed first hand the destruction the war brought to Song-Lu as well as internal problems on Empire soil. The new year brought her a lost brother, dragons and an assassination, solidifying her allegiance to her new home, despite her past. The losses were hard to witness, lives lost where they shouldn’t have.
The final straw with the Kingdom came when they rained adabrene down upon the city she loved. There were many more strange happenings she had to lend her hand to, the quests in a deadly forest, the unexpected rescue alliance on Shackle Isles, an expedition to the Citadel of Crowns… things were getting stranger and more worrying, and now she had a reminder to go with it.
The world stirs. She returns to the Wispwood for Iadlain’s final stand, soon thrown back to Song-Lu to search for a missing god. And all should have gone well. It should have gone well, and yet the madness is there.
Additional Info
Voice: Asami Seto https://youtu.be/FnIyYxQvynk?t=78
Lower pitch, generally composed and reserved.
Speaks fluent Valski, Common and Songhua. Her Songhua handwriting still has a ways to go.
Having lived in Song-Lu for many years, she now follows both Valski and Songluan superstitions, including their incredibly complex calendar and zodiacs.
Green is her lucky colour. Her hair is always tied with green ribbons, and hardly seen without her lucky necklace.
Her time abroad has softened her to the teachings of Atros, and this similarly extends to dark elves. She has come around to them completely after seeing firsthand the devastating effects of adabrene.
She has come to see her favour with Aurea as a test of her loyalties, having been Valski-raised yet practicing Atroxism for many years. So far the gods have been little more than violent inhuman things and she is finding herself aligning herself with mortals.
Doesn’t tan, but gets freckles. They tend to congregate around her nose, cheeks and shoulders.
Has burn scars along her shoulder and neck.
She is naturally blonde, but dyes it darker to blend in better in Song-Lu. With the apocalypse on, it’s slowly growing out.
She inherited her father’s alcohol tolerance. She’ll be the one standing at the end of the night ready to take everyone home.
Her Citadel Mark is on her left clavicle. She used to be a little wary of showing it, but with everything that’s going on that’s probably the least of her problems (for now).
Since the maddening of Song-Lu, she has taken to incorporating charms into her clothes, from traditional warding trinkets to sashes embellished with spells.
Seth Karlsson
Her younger brother she presumed dead until they reunited at the Emerald Masquerade several years ago. Kairi still blames herself for the suffering Seth has gone through in the years they were both separated, even though he forgives her. She has not been able to keep in contact with him since and worries about him frequently.
Tian Jin
A young man she helped home while he was lost in Koben. The more they met the more their passing relationship became something more familial. She has come to be protective of him and dotes on him a lot. Since becoming her apprentice, she has been determined to see him flourish not only as a Peacekeeper, but as a person.