Leith Aurélien Zelder


Basic Information
Leith Aurélien Zelder
Leith (weef)
Birth Date:
11th Flowers, 8136
5'11 (180 cm)
Light Elf
Templar Knight
Templars of Aurea, Mothers' Support Group
Light Blossoming
Ochi Simera Atros
Ochi Simera Aurea
Reading, Riding, Music, Playing the harp, Hot cocoa, feeding ducks as he pens his next dizain in min–
humans 🗿
Empathetic | Compassionate | Mindful | Reserved | Quick-tempered | Susceptible | Over-thinking
Soft-spoken and accommodating in his words, Leith's presence hardly commands attention despite his warmth. Instead, he better makes for a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on, observing from the sidelines.
Yet his compassion is not selfless, and his empathy often restrained. Though slow to offer his own thoughts, and one to ruminate over his faults, Leith still bears a judgemental arrogance in his expectations of others. With effort and knightly training he has tempered his anger to simmer slow and quiet, but to the point of two-faced dishonesty in his desire to please and be praised.
When at last his pent emotions and patience is lost to biting slips of the tongue, he is quick to apologise and compromise, sincere or feigned. For he feels deeply, painfully so. For all his templar's poise, at heart Leith relies on superior opinions as the final say, fearing to disappoint the eyes upon him.
As an identical twin, Leith Aurélien had a dedicated partner in every venture within their chevalier household. Knighthood was expected of both sons, until Liam veered to harmonic healing, swept by fancies of songster adorations. Leith balked at the different course, but so meek was he in page training alone, that when Liam came to him in desperation for his city schooling, knightly duty fell to the wayside without a second thought. And so, shielded from a father's temper by their sweetly enabling mother, the twins took to life in Delverne capital with the giddiness of disobedience.
Yet finding little comfort attending Liam's healing lessons and weighed by abandoned commitments, Leith soon resumed his paladin training under the Templars with their Vidame's blessings. He dedicated himself wholly to this draining routine, fearing to disappoint more than he already had. Uninvolved in the mires of others' affairs, he could only embrace the faultlessness of observation and objectivity, reticence following him well into adulthood.
Finally in his sixties, Leith ranked among the Templar Knights, his singular goal of decades grasped. Yet... apprehension clouded his earlier knighted days despite assurances he would grow into the role. As occasional assignments sent him outside Delverne with others, he saw the prejudices of his upbringing and the faults of his aloofness in forced perspective – not because he cared for strangers' lands and little humans, but because he then faced a difference of verities that stung too close to heart. He abhorred being forgotten for who he was yet remembered for terrible, truthful words he wasn't.
Criticism and reflection revealed more than inherent arrogance, touching upon those childish, buried wishes of music and wanderlust. Recent-met company only encouraged the flavour, and old family friends' wisdoms sounded ever enticing as Leith considered resigning from his century-long service. He, too, wanted to see the world proper without a blade in hand.
But like everything in his life, waiting for approval, waiting for a chance, waiting for another's guidance, peacetime slipped him by.
Duty called, and so did the orders of war.
Current Story
The 8291 ventures to human cities were brief, duty-driven. While he saw discontent in their eyes, he wished the Amedrans understood their own upset; with nothing to hide, there was nothing to fear.
What he couldn't fathom, two years later, was the utter depravity that would set dragons upon innocents; or rather he understood disappointingly well, and reprehensible acts from a base lot justified the State's anger. His unit made way for the leywoods together – and parted without.
Leith had never visited the kingdom alone. Lost in colourful Amedra after the expedition's aftermath, to his fortune (if not his purse') quick-witted company on the sympathetic side found him first. Of no use remaining in human cities, he hastened back to Delverne's borders, spying the tensions of those who thought less of prophecies and conquests... from both contended sides.
Were mundane desires and wills worth so much less than faith? Or was it because faith lacked that they held no confidence in the divine? Ever yielding, Leith kept his musings to himself in light of foretold miracles. Soon blessed with the oath he and his peers took, he carried on with Templar orders if only to have a hand in shaping their futures, consoling as he was of other's divisive differences.
Yet his balance fell to disarray when his brother outshone him in holy weapon favours – and subsequently all manners of divine oddities that Leith could hardly begin to understand. Before he knew it, his foundation had shattered; his twin as he knew him was gone, something he believed he was long prepared for by nature of their duty, yet never in quite this way.
Alone now, Leith grappled with the nightmares of a divine battlefront. But more than what horrors met them at the citadel, more than what lies unveiled amongst their own, true loss delivered far closer to home at the hands of the human kingdom.
With Delverne fallen, with the Oracle's disappearance, with his missteps amounting to nothing but grief – Leith clings to faith for a shred of solace. He believes more than ever in the church's teachings, in Aurea's irrefutable call in their blood. He trusts even in those he has every reason to doubt.
For when faith and verity are so mired, who was he to question anything?
Additional Info
Blossoming characteristics: glow on hair, eyes, areas of skin (ear tips, palms, rest hidden)
Zelder family [Bannière] - [ stash refs ] - telurea outfit - dragon armament [alzebel]
Reserves his traditional opinion of humans and half-elves despite a desire to see past learned prejudices. In attempted impartiality he defaults to laconic politeness.
Favours swords and maces. Left-handed.
More contact-oriented in spite of (or perhaps because of) his subdued manner. Big Hugs.
His second given name (Aurélien) is after his notably more golden-haired maternal grandfather.
Sentimental, introspective, writes Sad Diary Entries when feeling the Blues. Also terrible at poetry. He knows this. But he still tries
Birthday: 11th Flowers, Year of Souls (8136); Brenthos the Albatross [June 11]
Day 1 of the Month of the Snake, Year of the Incandescent Amber Snake; True Animal: Cat, Secret Animal: Raven
Laverne Zelder
While Laverne never had quarrel with Leith the way he antagonised his twin, the undercurrent of his cynicisms laced in every other gathering. Be it over faith, or state, and family obligations, Leith had found his youngest brother's unspoken sentiments so palpable, his absence is only all the starker now. Unjustly, unfairly, undeservedly so...
Adel Belrose
With sharp wit and tongue and fine magical prowess, Adel is as ideal a firstborn as any could be. Yet regardless of his appearance and intellect, he is still just as much a child to them despite being their lord's son and of authority. There's a peculiar balance in how Leith would follow his judgement and orders without question, capable as the young man is, and yet wish to shelter him from the same conflicts that necessitates those!
Anastasia Umbrius
As reticent as he is himself, seeing the young Anya’s shyly unassertive ways struck a chord with him, coupled with a fondness for her as the daughter of a beloved figure. Yet the distances and her dedication to her craft he understood less, as if her living in the kingdom granted her another pace to live by, far out of their reach.
In current times, he can only hope that she is still safe in her Mirian home, prison and enemy as it may be.
Virsche Champfleur
After Virsche's incident, though aware of the nuances of change and the disheartenment brought about by careful handlings – gently smothering sentiments – Leith couldn't bring himself to remedy the case with familiarity, instead falling back upon an objective bystander's approach. Virsche is less someone to impose upon now in the ways the twins had done before, yet still gladly and always would Leith lend her aid in whatever ways he is able.
Naevys Aeraviel
Leith holds Naevys' opinions, different as they are at times, in high esteem – and her character, teasing on his sensibilities, in great fondness. It was in befriending Naevys those decades ago that inspired more of his curiosity beyond the Delvan borders, however reservedly he acted upon it. Time offered fresh and dear insights, and in these current days of strife, her companionship keeps him grounded – both in comfort, and duty to reciprocate the support.
Lorenzo Arlandis
Both drawn towards and fearful of Lorenzo's charisma, the twins had the most amusingly torn view of him. An ever present face of the Templars since their youth, he was all of father's friend, role model, terrifying drillmaster and gentleman's fashion advisor in one!
But in recent years, they'd seen more of his shadows. Leith understands now Lorenzo's vitriol, the anger against humans, his speaking of a future's toils. A desire for righteous justice that no compromise could ever hope to quell...
Carine Donadieu
Though charmingly obliging and admirably pious, Carine's way of thinking – or at least his reading of her manner – astounded him, marveling at how simple (ignorant?) or staunchly compassionate she could be. More than his brother, he found it odd the way she stressed certain points when it came to her duties and supporting her fellows, but it was none of his business and she was young and impressionable, and maybe just had an enviably large heart to give.
Julizia Mimolette Beaufort
Leith held respect for his squire peers, but to his displeasure it became apparent that Juli in particular was lacking – not in ability, but in motivation and with questionable efforts for her training. Eventually she fell out of service and sight, and it was nearly a century later that he realised the painter his mother resumed commissioning was none other than Julizia, now returned to Delverne. He doesn't press about the past... nor her interpretations in painting.
Lucen Neuveigne
The twins couldn't help but be so taken by Lucen’s idolisation of their dear Vidame; at such an impressionable age as well, he made an all too easy target for banter and affections of a teasing sort. In current times however, while Leith would aid young Lucen where he is able, he questions his own ability to do so among the mounting failures – towards the boy's sister, towards their home...
But now was better than never, to be a proper knight around the squire.
Sarain Maradhras
The twins found Lucen's elder sister charismatically nonchalant in the best of ways; perhaps a tad uncultured, and perhaps in need of revisiting basic etiquette and faith, but nevertheless whatever faults she had paled in comparison to her life's better deeds. Leith could only believe– however tentatively– that Sarain's homecoming was a testament to the surety of Aurea's path, after what he'd heard of her tales – for what else could explain all the blessings saddled upon her thereafter?
Camille Delacroix
Being of the younger generation, Camille was more an acquaintance than an equal to socialise; the sunny face to Adel's earnestness, a darling child (adult as he may technically be) to be protected. But with the boy throwing himself into an oath and war he was never trained for, and subsequently met with the consequences – Leith keeps an eye out for him where he is able, if just to temper the void that losing family leaves.
Heaven [Beatrice Cielos]
Leith had only ever been a guardian or half of mischief in Beatrice's Delvan youth amongst his sister's circle; unknowing of her circumstances, or their meeting at the Emerald Masquerade, decades later. But a last and final face-to-face in the razing fields of Cantor brought her views to light: Illegitimate bearings, cast out children and a stubborn denouncement of their Mother goddess... While they parted without further harm, Leith could only regret his lacking demeanor to convince her to return to the safer and just side.