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Laverne Zelder

Laverne Zelder
Resident City
Home City


Laverne Zelder
Basic Information




Birth Date:








Laverne Zelder


140 (deceased)

9th Arrival, 8155

6'1 (185cm)


Light Elf


Librarian (of the Dokeîn'Ma Household)

Light Blossoming


reading, mulberries, nice clothes


waters without shores, riding mounts, stairs


Amiable | Courteous | Curious |  Biased | Easily angered | Stubborn |  Private | Critical

Laverne is quick to greet others with gracious smiles, inquisitive airs – and clearly, conversation. But with respect he keeps his distance as all gentlefolk are wont to do, however easily read his subtleties are. Sooner to harbour judgement with a prideful assurance bursting at its seams, he prefers to speak his mind and expects the same in others – for he sees his forward intent as open communication, if at times cutting and, perhaps, more narrow in view than he'd believe of himself. But confidence is a skill best nurtured, for its opposite lends nothing!

Unsurprisingly, Laverne's anger comes swift, but he has since learned to prioritise most else over dwelling in fires. With a veneer of objectiveness in personal affairs now, he may extend a hand out of courtesy to those who seek one, but often will not broach the threshold.


As the fourth-born son of the Zelders, a humble family of Delvan knights serving the Belroses, Laverne's path in life was one of tailored freedom. Following the knightly road like his brothers, he learned the way of the sword with a passion, prodigious and swifter than the siblings before... alongside the hubris of invincible, neglectful adolescence.


Injury was no stranger in training or hunting excursions. Injury was a dear companion of daredevil youth. But the mounted fall he took, the botched healing he received in the moment, the accumulated strains of obsession to excel, all mixed with a hidden flaw of his blood – in just his 40's, Laverne had crippled his legs and sword hand.

What of his aspirations? What of his Templarhood? No longer able to wield a weapon without mysterious, plaguing pains despite all the healers he'd seen, Laverne lashed out at family, friends and his betrothed alike. For several years self-pity consumed him, spiteful, bitter. How could one like he, at the pinnacle of health on the cusp of adulthood, be reduced to this by a mere accident before he'd ever had a chance to prove himself?

He found no solace in prayer, for no divinity deigned to answer.

Yet as all things did, his despair passed. He was physically unwell but his life was far from over.

With aid from magic-oriented family, Laverne pursued the arcane.

Although unfit for military service, gradual results of both his studies and rehabilitation spurred him through the pitfalls of his new path, and while nothing of the Champion he used to be, by 67 he'd become a fledgling Sage, eager to continue unravelling the threads of magic and spirit.

A chance meeting with the travelling doctor Baron Dokeîn'Ma then led to more: to be a librarian of the peer's household, for occasional research amongst family tutoring and scholarly duties. With his living accounted for, Laverne accepted the invitation and has served the Dokeîn'Mas since.

Current Story

Indifferent to affairs outside of Delverne (Lady Bianca's excursions aside), his accompaniment of her missionary work to Cantor had him witness the beginnings of their war.

Although Delverne's justifiably prophetic, peaceful conquest was heavy-handed by his taste, the Kingdom's equally contentious response led to far more bloodshed than necessary. But Laverne was only one for theory lately, unashamed to admit his lacking stance. On their return to Delverne to witness the lingering damage wrought by the Kingdom's dragons, he could recognise this much at least: they had to prevent tragedies from striking home again.

And with Baron Dokeîn'Ma's abrupt and regrettable passing the prior year, he felt that little sheltered Bianca could do for insight in these matters from other Delvan peers.

Still, however much talk is had never fully prepares one for the course a world is meant to take. With the muted discontent of a cynical eye far overshadowed by the miracles at Aurea's hand, Laverne settled to watch by the protective sidelines of home as his fellows and family took to the front. Vexing as he found the situation, being equally desirous for battlefield glory in his heart, his domestic responsibilities, friends' promises, and personal obstinacy about religious consequences held him fast to his position.

So Laverne made good on his word to mind those at home, forging forward through decades-long differences in the changing times. 

Because time, ever so passing, ever so precious, was what he had in great wealth compared to those who never returned from the field. Duty did not always mean a grand cause, or lofty legacy. Sometimes a knight's duty was providing for another's happiness. Sometimes it was simply ensuring that they lived.

Sin and Sacrifice; Heartland 

to new springs

11th Flowers 8295, Year of Paths

Additional Info

  • His walking mobility has long since recovered, but symptoms of post-trauma aches (stiff joints, joint pain, muscle weakness) resurface persistently despite varying treatments. He understands now it has less to do with the healers' ineptitude and frustratingly more with himself. Some days aren't without a cane and a limp; always with a brace on his left leg for the worst chronic pains.

  • Uses grimoires & canes with hidden blades. He's still sturdy, if a wee brittle– [fighter peripheral]

  • Afraid of waters without shores, and riding mounts now. He wouldn't ever admit it.

  • Played violin, imparted by his troubadour mother. Writes left-handed now.

  • True to competitive champion roots, he initially studied offensive spell-breaking– [Redirection]

  • But he's since been intrigued in sagecraft for breaking curses and forming seals to keep malignant cases at bay, interest inspired by the late baron's charitable charisma. [Memory sealing]

  • Still uses simple telekinesis and occasional housekeeping spells from his sorcerer repertoire.



Liliéthel Gardinier-Vauquelin

Childhood friend and formerly betrothed, revoked upon her family's disapproval. He regretted this deeply but only had himself to blame. In recent years he'd made attempts to remedy, for both of them had, an entire century later, still remained as they were then. 

With Aurea's missions taking her family, Laverne found his fiancée receptive to his efforts and desire to support. And as his last brother returned from the warfront for a time, preparations for a wedding continued in earnest... 

Kienelm Maere

Childhood friend, close in age if further in personality and bravado. Although in distant youth Laverne paid less regard to Kienelm's particular strengths, seemingly meek and hidden as they were, nowadays he can appreciate the man's attentive manner and patience. Even if Keane is still a little dweeby. And even if Laverne doesn’t show said appreciation very clearly, for it is a strange feeling to admire a trait in others one thought they personally once held, but in this case, while Laverne would never say so, he is almost a little... proud?

Bianca Dokeîn'Ma

The daughter of his employer. Because of her sheltered and compromised start to life, Laverne does find the young Lady's youthful naïveté a tad concerning, with her frolicking about in the human kingdom and remaining absent around household or political issues. The human company she brought home from her travels ('adopted', rather) was another tell-tale sign of her adventurous indulgences that veered from the standard… but whatever made her embrace life at last was a welcome change to tolerate.

Lanier Cleyrendal

 Although initially reserved in welcome when Bianca brought home the human lass, over the short year Nier lived in the household Laverne had come to see that in spite of her race, the girl was a quick learner and avid worker in her tailoring and willingness to study new concepts. But soon as she’d come, Lanier was spirited off to the Miras Kingdom when she apparently developed a future sight. Correspondence was not to last with the conflict between states...

Francoise Lachance

Fellow employees under the Dokein'Mas, Laverne and Françoise were alike as apples and oranges. Fruitless in earlier attempts to befriend the exorcist in the other's first few years of employ, it became habit for Laverne to greet the grumpy elf with light-hearted jests, all of which Françoise clearly could do without in his day.  His rescue of their dear sister and subsequent march for Aurea had Laverne regarding him with far more respect than the other may have ever realised. 

When Françoise never returned home, Laverne at last took his own matters into hand, spurred by tragedy to make the most of his time.

Virsche Champfleur

Young Virsche may not have been the quickest, but she was a diligent and thorough student who, in Laverne's earlier years of sorcery and sagehood, taught him the importance of patience and elaboration as a tutor. They both learned plenty from each other. 

So after the incident which claimed her memories, Laverne saw no need to treat the girl as delicately as his brothers did, for he believed in her to overcome her tragedy, and well knew a grounding hand in such a tentative life was to simply be as they always were. 

Anastasia Umbrius

In earlier years, Laverne found himself occasionally minding little Anya and her brother amidst the shelves of the Dokeîn'Ma libraries, during difficult times for the dear children. So as a demure bookworm full of curiosities, it hardly came as a surprise that Anya herself was blessed with magic. Laverne saw her off on her journey to ply the ethers, of the same stepping stones that he'd used himself; with great fondness and immeasurable pride at how voraciously she'd mastered her own art, he can only hope she continues to blossom in adulthood – ever more capable and assured with every pursuit!

Julizia Mimolette Beaufort

While Laverne had little to do with Julizia herself, her mother, Dr. Beaufort, was among the many practitioners he'd seen during his convalescence. Now long since come to terms with his condition, he makes do with what physical therapy he can manage – though hearsay of a daughter's yoga practices had caught his ear in recent times. Perhaps he ought to try a new routine... 

Or perhaps he might just break his back a second time. Hm.

Camille Delacroix

Françoise’s darling younger brother; Laverne would hardly believe they were related if he hadn't known the two himself. As Camille took music and magic lessons under the Zelders for the troubadour path, Laverne sought to encourage the youth in whatever way he could. Although the boy's handling of instruments left much to be desired, his intent to improve... was there. His enthusiasm... was enough. Results would always show in due time, with enough persistence and technique. Surely!

Heaven [Beatrice Cielos]

A friend of his younger sister's and an earnest student, however lacking her results. What matters in one's character is ambition, a willingness to strive for their desires, and so Laverne could only encourage her efforts on. Beatrice's apparent heel-turn towards a pilgrimage for Aurea caught him by surprise however, but if that was the course she'd set her mind on –  well, to each their own. 

Her attentions over the years of youth and correspondence had always seemed peculiar meanwhile, but Laverne responded each time out of courtesy with professional grace.

Sarifee Laemiril

Sarifee's was a recent but impressionable meeting, as not often Laverne accompanied Bianca for an entertainment troupe's performance, let alone be invited forward as all engaging shows were wont to do with audiences. While he may not have ventured that far into such memorable territory, he did recall the little dancer of the stage. Meeting Sarifee again in Cantor led to amiable discussions over tea and impromptu lessons for the illiterate youth, but amidst the Delvan annexation, an elf's opinions surely differed in the eyes of a kingdomer. Whatever the little miss thought to take from their parting was up to her and her alone. 

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