Liam Maël Zelder


Basic Information
Liam Maël Zelder
Liam (weem)
Birth Date:
11th Flowers, 8136
9'10 (300cm)
Light Elf
Weaponbearer [Staff of Cyndril]
Templars of Aurea
Aurea's Ascended
Light Blossoming
Therras' Favour
Dutiful | Protective | Obliging | Reckless | Obstinate | Complacent
No longer fixated upon hidden foibles and paraded high horses, and without the incessant chatter and challenge a temper stirs, Liam revisits a placid demeanour.
Where there was insecurity, there is now unquestioning faith, and in place of shameful fears is a callous transparency that lends itself to competence. Yet he is still the same in small different ways, virtues and vices both. He may be agreeable without his practised scripts, and he may be vigilant without chivalrous codes, and equally stubborn to maddening degrees about the righteous ways of wills beyond them.
Were it not for the detachment inlaid in his actions being such a far cry from himself – a flawed, personable pretence that was more appreciated than he could have ever imagined – then perhaps his peers would concur that he is the best he could be under Her guidance now.
pre-ascended ◆
Sympathetic | Cordial | Dutiful | Garrulous | Self-Righteous | Obstinate | Oversensitive
Talkative, kindly, and aiding towards others, Liam is by all intentions well-meaning... if careless. While he may understand others' airs, comprehension offers little past his pity and pride. Instead he turns to rehearsed words, gentle assurances devoid of empathy – and a tendency to relay to other ears. Though he lacks malice in this misguided habit, he blurs distinctions in hearsay, and most learn he simply mustn't be trusted with personal private matters.
Liam himself bears of transparency, raised on virtuous values with a twin to confide in for his lacking aspects. He rarely sees his actions as faults, hard-pressed to apologise for whatever detriment he insists is goodwill, a blindness extended to those in his favour. Yet despite his caring mien, the faintest slight can ignite a difficult temper; so keenly aware of his own thin-skinned nature, this only justifies his resentment – even more under pressure.
Shallow as his goodness may seem, defensive of his flaws as he is, Liam is a genuine man who places honourable ideals above personal feelings.
Though not loath to change, he needs time to relent if without others to shed light for him.
Liam Maël's future was pledged to their land and lords from birth, the second son of a chevalier household. And perhaps he did have the makings of such callings; but as children, identical twins tended towards far more whim and double the trouble than a golden first. Knightly aspirations vanished when Liam learned of his mother's songs, and soon he'd inherited all the Zelder obstinance with none of the discipline behind.
An incident's compromise, a veiled escape from a frustrated father, and now studying healing under the church in the capital, Liam and his twin Leith set out to become who they wanted to be. For Liam, that meant parroting the compassionate... and the curious. For Leith, remaining reticent to his twin's façade, Liam compensated by speaking on his behalf.
But as whimsy goes, Liam's passion for healing waned towards adulthood. With parents preoccupied over family matters – the eldest's marriage, a new daughter, Leith's return to knighthood – he withdrew from his magic studies, frivolous and complacent. So when a hunting trip's youthful folly demanded his healing to save their youngest brother, Liam managed only halfway – like all his ventures thus far.
Unable to shoulder the bitter blame of crippling Laverne for life, Liam reasoned through his own hurt with the guidance of scripture. By Aurea's judgement, this failure was simply a lesson to do better for others' sakes.
With something to prove now and shame to shatter, Liam once again donned the healer's mantle. Whenever his indulgences strayed from duty, he needed only consider Her. He realised the wisdom of his father's words, the gratitude afforded to effort. He learned diligence, resilience, the pains taken to be remembered kindly. Despite his volatile heart, he followed his twin into the Templars, for the church offered the assurance that he was indeed doing good on his word to be more, be better.
For all his mistakes, nothing was truly his fault to bear. Everything passed according to Her will.
Liam carried on for decades in this blind and blameless devotion, purpose found in others' affirmations to shape him.
Current Story
Missionary excursions aside, Liam spent most of his life within Delverne state. As a healer, he personally believed that their people's home was where he should tend first and foremost rather than strangers' lands abroad; this proved worthwhile after dragons descended upon their capital. Outraged by the villainy of the kingdom's attack, he joined the ensuing expedition into Cantor's Leywood.
That stubborn decision would have cost him had he not wound up right back in Delverne (hilariously enough). But it still robbed him his peace of mind for many reasons, not least of all his missing peers – until his separated twin finally made his way back home. In the months that followed, Liam reflected upon his inconsolable nature and the many attachments he had to others, regardless of the conviction of his faith and Delverne's stake in the conflicts.
A new summer arrived with the mid year's miracles worked by the Dominus, and the blessings bestowed upon the oathbound under the guidance of oracle Triss. Assurance restored in his purpose and the Delvans' holy mission – all of this was beyond his petty flaws in the best of ways – he took the razing of Cantor in stride, disastrous as it may have been.
Fire was not only a force of destruction. With holy fires came renewal and purity. It was these thoughts he clung to when a saint's staff came to lay in his hands, and the world began moving in faster and faster ways that lit his nerves aflame; with their Goddess among them, deep sleeps and senses, far off faces and Aurea's pull, both fear and awe spurred his decisions. This was the chance to become the best he could be, to do the most he could without selfish reserve.
Ascension for Aurea
Rains 8294, Year of Coins
Now of single-minded purpose amongst the other ascended, duty is blindingly clear. Beyond the mishaps of shatterings and straying visions, bound as they still were at heart, it was only a matter of time before their goddess returned.
Additional Info
Staff of Cyndril from Fire and Fury prompt
Zelder family [Bannière] - [stash refs]
Liam grew to be the outgoing twin, Leith the more objective and reasonable. In his extended absence Liam was always rather self-conscious as he usually voiced his (salt) concerns to his brother.
Dropped harmonic healing but mother still requested he and his sister to practice their vocal training.
Favourite pastimes included reading, riding and calligraphy. Learned the harp through mother.
Liam's second half of his name (Maël) is after his paternal grandfather.
When Liam was beyond frustrated he became a waterworks show to his eternal mortification
Birthday: 11th Flowers, Year of Souls (8136); Brenthos the Albatross [June 11]
Day 1 of the Month of the Snake, Year of the Incandescent Amber Snake; True Animal: Cat, Secret Animal: Raven
Laverne Zelder
Fond as they are of their younger siblings, that lot picked up a tongue that bit more than it praised; Laverne especially, as a temperamental child with well-meanings who was as quick to compliment his siblings as he was to disparage their efforts.
So Liam, in his attempts to amend his part in his brother's crippling, would overextend his concerns and affection. And though they all naturally, eventually, swept the aftermaths under the rug, some things just wouldn't – couldn't – ever be let go!
Adel Belrose
With sharp wit and tongue and fine magical prowess, Adel is as ideal a firstborn as any could be. Yet regardless of his appearance and intellect, he is still just as much a child to them despite being their lord's son and of authority. Liam saw in him a natural leader and cherished child both, so when he was to remain in the safety of home after his frightful incident in the Leywood, there was no small amount of relief on this end. This warfront was not meant for him to face, when he could do so much more guiding the future!
Anastasia Umbrius
From the Mirian side of their Vidame's family; Liam remembers her as the sweet darling child of a charismatic (albeit light-heartedly mischievous) woman gone to Aurea far too soon. As much as little Anya resembles Elene in part, her demeanour is of opposites – but it only serves to establish her as her own person. Anya has many virtues Liam is impressed by for one of her youthful age.
And surely, for an elf as clever and compassionate as she, choosing the righteous path goes without saying.
Virsche Champfleur
Sweet little dear. He still pitied Virsche after all these years, although she has grown into her own person once more. What happened has happened and while he would not understand what he may provoke at times with his coddling actions, he at least could appreciate her return to Delverne all the same. Despite the trials of her young life both then and now, he hopes she can face forward to the many happinesses awaiting in the future, sculpted by their peoples' own hands.
Naevys Aeraviel
As a well-learned and travelled noble and Templar both, Liam held utmost respect and affection for Naevys in spite of their contrasting views and occasional quarrels. Living amongst humans had granted her eccentric opinions, but still she became ever cherished company.
Yet after all was said and done, there would always be differences between them. To despair when so much was at stake in their mission – yet equally so much to lead to an ideal future, however it was to be – was something Liam did not wish to understand.
Lorenzo Arlandis
Both drawn towards and fearful of Lorenzo's charisma, the twins had the most amusingly torn view of him. An ever present face of the Templars since their youth, he was all of father's friend, role model, terrifying drillmaster and gentleman's fashion advisor in one!
Yet the masked unit's losses rippled across all; to die in Aurea's name was an end any should aspire towards, but remnants left behind would still be broken pieces. Liam understood this well, and could only empathise from afar as Lorenzo's anger coloured ever fiercer...
Carine Donadieu
After he realised that this lovely young lass was one for offering wholesome, moral teachings of Aurea and chaplain duties rather than mischief in gossip, what with her innocent naiveté that his peers lacked, he couldn't help his frivolous interest in her private and personal matters. How sweet and pure she was, so earnest in sharing and obliging without question – and most of all, faithfully guiding in the moments where it truly mattered.
Julizia Mimolette Beaufort
The loveliest little painter, a mixed beauty, well-traveled, and makes for great small talk with such affirming insights as well. It is a pity she suffered the Ash fever and lost her kingdom home, but now that she is safely in Delverne, surely nothing of the sort would befall her again! And although not particularly interested in the culture her yoga practice comes from, he finds her practice endearingly.. quirky, and can't help but wonder what it would be like to join her sessions with the others...
Lucen Neuveigne
The twins couldn't help but be so taken by Lucen’s idolisation of their dear Vidame; at such an impressionable age as well, he made an all too easy target for banter and affections of a teasing sort. Liam especially, as was his ever constant habit, lovingly pestered the Neuveigne youth when it became clear how easily afflicted he was – for if he could hardly handle such vexations as a squire, how could he ever hope to become an esteemed and respectable knight? ♥
Sarain Maradhras
With all the signs of Aurea's favour upon this crude and travelled young woman, be it through her guidance home, heroic weapons, and the sun's blessing through both dowsing and the goddess' voice Herself, Liam could only see Sarain's story as one of those elevated to saint and song, filled with the notes of a wayward daughter's noble redemption.
His, on the other hand, so shadowed by the earth and darkened tides . . .
Camille Delacroix
Being of the younger generation, Camille was more an acquaintance than an equal to socialise; the sunny face to Adel's earnestness, a darling child (adult as he may technically be) to be protected. Despite his lacking hand with instruments, he had many a long year ahead of him to hone his true skills in music under their mother's guidance. Or he should have, had he not thrown himself into an oath and war hardly meant for one like him! Liam could only offer the boy assurances and an eye to stay safely out of harm's way...
Heaven [Beatrice Cielos]
The young daughter of the Cielos who apparently had not an ounce of healing magic in her, despite all her studious habits and perseverance. Still, as a fellow student Liam gladly attempted to peer tutor her, lacking or not – perhaps she was an odd case of late blooming.
Though she had left Delverne years ago, she still kept in contact with his youngest sister, 'doing well' as far as he knew, and cared to know.
Atticus Leland
While the wood elf was nonconfrontational at first, Liam well understood from Atticus’ manner and the fires of the boy's dream that none of what he spoke of found its mark. A difference in personality, a difference in belief; some lesser divinity’s attempt to sway... but why?
None of them of mortal bearings, least of all Liam, could change the past.
Whatever face it’d take in these terrible dreams – only fools would fault Her cause after all that had and must happen, godly or otherwise.