Deal with Devils
21 May - 3 Jun 2017
In the wake of the Whelcliffe debacle, Alva is buzzing with rumours and fear. The world order is rapidly changing.
The Federation has broken its peace with Koben for reasons it deems moral. Their annexation of southern Linhythe is seen as an act of liberation, and they hold to their commitment to help those in need at any cost.
The Kingdom is returning to older, more war-like ways and all that entails. The border with Delverne grows more heavily armed with each passing day, and yet this still doesn’t appear to be enough for them.
The Empire seems to be under assault from all sides, whatever its attempts to negotiate. Facing hostility on every border, it battens down and prepares to take any future that might come for them.
For more detail on the news and to express your character's feelings on all the new developments, see the deviation below:
▶ Deal with Devils Newsboard ◀
Submissions for this prompt will get bonus points until end of 7th June.