Prayer and Starfall
20 Dec 2015 - 2 Jan 2016
The Year of Paths is drawing to a close for Alva. It has been a tumultous year, with the outbreak of war as well as domestic troubles. Now, though, it is a time for rest as winter solstice and the new year arrive.
On the 21st of Stars is a much revered occasion - winter solstice, called the Day of Prayer or Yule. In the Kingdom people pray for Aurea's return through the nadir of her influence, with open flames lighting the nights. In the Empire people seek Atros's mercy for a gentle winter at the zenith of his, with covered lanterns of bright colours. All over, decorated trees and holly wreaths adorn houses and public spaces, and choirs serenade passers-by with carols. Yuletide markets and mulled wine give warmth and cheer in the snow.
On the 31st of Stars, Starfall Night witnesses the changing of the year. After an eve of rest, a vigil is held through the night - from sunset of the last day of Paths to sunrise of the first day of Souls. It's a night of both joyous games and feasting - large roasts are often shared with the public - and more serious renewal traditions - including purification rites and prayer. Paper slips with confessions, resolutions and innermost thoughts are often written and burnt, and wishes made on the star-like embers.
Features: Fire and candles, public roasts, mulled wine, markets, decorated trees/wreaths for Day of Prayer, star-themed decorations for Starfall Night
Colours: Red, white and green for Day of Prayer; paired pale and dark colours for Starfall Night