Week of Kin
7 Nov - 22 Nov 2015
All over Alva, the third week of the Month of Gifts is dedicated to those close to you. Each day for seven days, people send gifts and gestures of appreciation to their friends, family and loved ones both past and present - even to strangers come the close of the week. According to widespread tradition, each day elevates a different kind of kin:
The first day is dedicated to community, colleagues and friends; those who fill your every day with their company
The second day celebrates close family; mothers, fathers, siblings, children and grandparents
The third day highlights extended family; uncles, aunts and cousins of all generations
The fourth day is for foster family and close friends; those you'd call family in spirit if not by blood
The fifth day honours those of the past; usually the deceased but also lost friends/family who remain in the heart
The sixth day is devoted to future family and young children; relations by engagement, pregnancies, infants and toddlers
And finally, the Day of Charity on the seventh day when kindnesses are given out to strangers, usually anonymously
While exact customs vary slightly across locales, it is everywhere a time for happy gatherings, giving of gifts, activities done together and simply showing love to those who enrich one's life.